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i just got back to school. lessons ended @ 3.30pm. btw i've finally dropped lit. mrs lee approved my letter. actually i didn't inform miss azlin beforehand that i was going to drop lit. no wonder she looked quite pissed off when she told me that i can leave the class since i've dropped lit. but it's partly my fault for not telling her in advance. after dropping lit, i feel very relieved. :D after i've dropped lit, shan shan & pei ting also dropped lit after i did. actually i kinda of believed that shan shan dropped lit because i did. actually i don't really lyk her to drop lit. so now whenever there's free periods, i'll be stuck with her all the times, luckily i still have pei ting to accompany otherwise shan shan will be stuck to me lyk glue.
today after school ends, shan shan & i took the same bus as she's going to orchard rd to meet her mom before she goes for her appointment. i'm really jealous of her where her mom always brings her everywhere she goes lyk shopping, lunch or appointments. Sigh!
there's normal lesson tmr even though there's youth day celebration. i don't really feel lyk going to school. i've no idea what clothes to wear. i've very little clothes and i scared that people might laugh at my clothes. i was asking shan shan what she's going to wear and she was lyk saying, 'of course wearing home clothes lah! i tink i'm wearing levi jeans or maybe even miniskirt.' i can't imagine her wearing miniskirt. i'm kinda of jealous of her being able to wear so many pretty clothes. anyway signing off now!

Thursday, June 30, 2005
6:24 PM

today is the first day of school. i woke up at 5.30. i felt very sleepy cuz yesterday night i couldn't sleep well. spent most of the time tossing around. i was the first person to wake up in the family. i went to my parents' bedroom's toilet to change into my uniform. i left the hse at ard 5.50am. by the time i reached the bus-stop, it was 5.52am and the bus was there. fortunately the driver was so kind, waited for me. :) thanks, uncle! by the time i reached the old hse's bus-stop, it's only 5.55am. actually from my new hse to my old hse, is only 2 bus-stops away. so i manage to board the first bus 190. usually i took the 2nd or the 3rd bus cuz normally the first bus is vey crowded and i'll have to stand. by the time i reached school, it was 6.45am.
the day started off with mrs lee giving a boring speech and i almost dozed off. there's a change in my time-table. out of 5 days, 3 days end at 3.30 everyday, only for tues and friday, school ends at 2pm. Sigh!! i miss hols!! anyway today's time table follows the old one. i only had proper lessons for english, a-maths, chemistry and biology. the rest of the lessons, i spent the time reading story book. so in other word, it's quite relaxing. today i handed in the letter which i going to drop lit to mrs yip and mrs lee. now i kinda of regret what i've done. i didn't consult miss azlin abt me dropping lit. peiting also thinking of dropping lit too. she said she's going to hand the letter tomorrow. so if she really dropping, then i have someone to accompany me during free periods. :) anyway signing off now, cya soon!

Monday, June 27, 2005
5:19 PM

i just woke up. i'm going to skool later. i need to hand in the letter and to check whether the classroom is locked or not as i've to get my SS books. after that, i'll go to the library to study with siying & her sister till 3. i've to go to kovan for my haircut before i go for my tuition. :) need to get my haircut before skool reopens on monday. anyway signing off now, i got to run now. cya soon!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005
8:57 AM

i just woke up actually by the ringing of the phone. :) it's my aunt. she just called to ask how are we. she asked me what am i going to do later. i said i going to buy lunch later. and she said what i ate for breakfast. actually i just woke up and how can i have my breakfast in my sleep? anyway i lied to her that i ate an apple. :P i very naughty hoh? finally today my mom didn't take away the internet cable. so i can use the computer. :)
i had to go back to school by this week as i've to hand in my letter to mrs yip and to mrs lee. i also have to get my SS books as i got SS retest when school reopens. i left my books inside my locker and i heard from my friend that the classrooms are all locked. how am i going to study for the retest? anyway i will try my luck by going back to skool and check. if the classroom is really locked, i tink i'll study when skool reopens. what to do? who ask me to forget to bring my books home? Sigh! yesterday i tried to sms shan shan and pamela to ask them whether they can lend me their notes to study. but till now they still haven't reply me yet. shan shan always reply the slowest. she only use her phone to call her beloved mum. sometimes i really wonder if she's a spoiled child since she's an only child. her mum forever bringing her out for shopping or stuffs like that. she got a chaffeuer to drive her to skool or anywhere she wants. i really admire the kind of life she has. she's so fortunate enough to have parents who cares for her so much. i find that sometimes i treat her badly maybe is because i'm jealous of what she has. Am i a very bad person? i've no idea. sometimes when i've bad mood, i just dump all my anger on her and blame her for this and that. afterwards, i feel very guilty but i didn't apologise to her. but shan shan seems to be a very forgiving person, she didn't scold me or get angry. i shld change the way i treat her and be a good friend to her. anyway signing off now, cya soon!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005
9:34 AM

today is the last week of the hols le. i haven't finish my hols hw yet. i still have eng's letter, compo, compre and half done emaths hw which i don't tink i'm going to finish it. i'm not doing my lit hw as i'm going to drop lit when skool reopens. i'm not sure whether miss azlin will let me drop lit or not. but ms ting advised my mom & i to consider dropping lit as i can focus more on my combined humanities. i thought so too cuz my lit had been very bad since i was sec 1. always failing or passing at broadline marks. very depressing. i remb that my highest mark that i got for lit was 15/25 which is still a C grade. Sigh!! so hopeless! if i get this kind of result for 'O' levels, i going to get killed by my mom.
anyway today i woke up at 9.30. i didn't bother to count how many hours i've slept but definitely more than 8 hrs. :) it's holiday of cuz i can sleep longer. when the school reopens next week, i'm going to have to wake up at 5.30am as now i live much more further away from my previous home and i need to take at least 3 buses before i reached school. anyway shall sign off now. my brother's gf is coming to my hse soon so i have to go now as i'm using my brother's laptop. cya!! :)

Monday, June 20, 2005
1:03 PM

i just had my dinner a while ago. i could still hear the steamed fish rumbling inside my stomach. my mom steamed a huge fish for my brother & i to eat. i can't finish it so i dump the rest to my brother, really wonder if he did finish the whole fish or not. i managed to use the com (actually is my brother's laptop) as my eldest brother is off for tuition and my mom has gone for her Japanese cooking lesson @ C.C. she's going to help me to enrol in the hainanese chicken rice cooking lesson later on. :) the last time i went was a few weeks ago where i got to learn how to make nonya dumplings. i haven't try out my skills yet cuz i know that it's going to be a disaster. :P
anyway woke up at 8.30. read newspapers after brushing my teeth. but i ended up falling asleep on the sofa until mom came back home frm the market. today is my grandmother's ji re (the day when she passed away). so mom had to cook some dishes for praying and stuff like that. slack till 10.15 before i prepared for my maths tuition. by the time i finished my early lunch, it was almost 11.05. i thought i will be able to reach my tuition at ard 12 but there's a traffic jam @ Orchard Rd. all those cars' fault! who asks them to use their cars and not use public transport?
by the time i reached my tuition place, it was already 12.15. finished my tuition at ard 2.15. so i hurriedly took a bus to Dhoby Ghaut mrt station so as to go for my amaths tuition @ kovan.
did integration revision for amaths. tell you something funny, the last lesson, my tutor happened to eat a fly while lecturing. that fly was flying in front and unfortunately flied into my tutor's mouth while she was talking. so poor thing! my tutor kept on drinking water so as to let the fly get into her stomach. fortunately or i tink that the fly dont really lyk my tutor's mouth, it flew out of my tutor's mouth. but i didn't really see the fly flying out my tutor's mouth cause she went to the toilet and spit the fly into the toilet bowl. then this boy frm catholic high cheekily asked my tutor whether the fly tasted nice or not. so bad!!
after tuition, went cold storage to buy jacobs biscuits and halls's honey lemon. the advertisement on halls was so cute especially the polar bear happenedly shaved till his private part and he jumped up. when my parents saw the advertisment, they were wondering whether does a polar bear will really be so stupid to shave its own fur until they injured themselves. Duh* of course not, it's just an advertisment! anyway went to prima deli to buy chocolate and kaya waffles. the chocolate waffles is for me while the kaya one is my dear mom. :) see, i'm so filial!
tmr is father's day, didn't get anything for my dad. but i'll just wish him happy father's day right here and tmr before he heads for work.;

Saturday, June 18, 2005
7:21 PM

it had been quite some while since i last blog here. my mom took away the internet cable so as to make me do my work. actually i slacked even more. for instance today i woke up at ard 10.30. i slept for ard 11 hrs. :) sound lyk a lazy pig who lyk to sleep. anyway hadn't been doing much for the past few days. yesterday i spent most of the day reading my storybook. i started doing my work only at ard 4.30pm when my mom was coming home soon.
in less than a week, i'll be due back in school. hols went by lyk a express train. for the first 2 weeks, i spent my miserable time going back to school for lessons. i only had 2 weeks of hols to myself. sigh!
didnt study much lately even though i know that i've to buck up alot for my studies during the hols. my mom kept telling me that i've to work very hard in order to get a good and steady job in the future. she said if i continue to slack, i will ended with no money and no job when i grow up. sigh!! anyway shall return to my books now, cya!

Friday, June 17, 2005
1:06 PM

i woke up at ard 8. find that outside was already raining heavily, i hurried out to go and collect the clothes. unfortunately some of the clothes were kinda of drenched. hope that mom wont scold me. later i'm going out with huiqi & joyceline. actually shan shan's going too but she complained that her leg hurts lyk hell and she can't go. at first i don't want her to go too, but when it really happened i feel that it's a pity. what a mixture of feelings? weird, rite? anyway going to Orchard to have lunch, take neoprints and watch . i tink i'll feel very left out as huiqi and joyceline are always a couple and they will stick to each other. sigh!! i'll be alone! i don't feel lyk going le!!! but i want to watch movie!
yesterday i stayed at home the whole day. do my hols hw practically the whole day too. in the morning, finished the eng wksht that miss goh gave during the hols and some compre in the love for eng, in the afternoon, i did the geog hols hw and also revise for geog as well. at night i revise for bio. cuz i don't really understand what mrs yip was teaching in the first few parts of the chap. very confusing! there you go, this is how i spent my boring day yesterday! cya!

Monday, June 13, 2005
9:18 AM

another typical day during the hols. woke up at ard 9.30am. read my storybook as i've no mood to do my hw. took a bath before i go for my maths d tuition @ 12. had breakfast which is dumplings as today is duan wu jie. reached my tuition centre 15 mins late. stayed there until 2.15pm. after that i've to rushed for the next tuition which is a-maths. btw the time i reached kovan, there's only 10 mins to the start of the tuition. so i hurriedly rushed and bought myself a plate of nasi lemak and gombled down within 10 mins. i looked as though i haven't eat for days. luckily i managed to get to my tuition on time. met my friend who was from bowen sec. she seemed kinda of down. so i didn't really talk to her throughout the whole lesson only said goodbye to her and her friend. i tink she's had some trouble. actually i don't really noe her, only noe her name, where she lives and study. we juz happened to be talking to each other one day and we became friends. but i noe that she's very clever. she's in triple science stream. i didn't tell her that i'm in combi. sci stream cuz i scared that she'll look down on me. anyway after tuition, went to hawker centre to buy dinner before i head home. there you go, this's a summary of what i did today. very boring rite?

Saturday, June 11, 2005
7:25 PM

i haven't have time to blog mainly is becuz of the com's lacking of internet. i've to wait for 4 days before i can use the com. actually the new hse is quite alright only that it's kinda of old and rundown. the weird thing is that the first day i moved into the hse, i began to fall sick. i had slight fever, running nose and a splitting headache. i've no idea maybe it's due the bad weather recently. even my healthy mum is sick too. that's not all, from the first day when i move into the hse, it've been raining on and off.
my dad found a job and he's working for somebody in jurong west which means that there's a certain income at home. he used to be the boss in his own shop but now he had to be an employee instead.
yesterday i went back to the old hse to get the delievered vitagen drinks and newspaper and letters from the letter box. i was relieved that everything there is calm and peaceful. Phew! my mom asked me to buy a fruit cake for my neighbour as she've been watching over my old hse ever since we moved out.
i don't really lyk my room cuz i've to share it with my 2 brothers and it's very irritating to have them coming into the room every now and then when i'm trying to do my work. i've to go to sleep too when they did cuz the lights will be off by then. sigh!!

Friday, June 10, 2005
5:48 PM

this's my personal blog. the reason is that alot of things had happened for the past few days and i can't tell anyone unless they can be trusted. first of all, i hope i get your trust by keeping this a secret. i really hope you can keep this promise and ur trust means alot to me. thanks!
for the past few days, i couldn't blog or even use computer as i had to consol my mom. my dad is in trouble once again and this time it's getting even worse. at first i tot it's going to be over. but it's not true, my dad did that again. my mom was utterly devestated when she knew that. right now, we have no choice but to move hse again. yesterday my mom was crying over the phone during a conversation with my dad when i came back from my lessons. she was discussing with my dad abt stuffs on moving out. i've lived in this hse for the past 9 years and in a few days' time, i'll have to leave this place for at least a year or so. i'm going to miss the sound of the LRT train driving past my hse every few mins. i'm going to miss the crying of my neighbour's baby boy. my mom was crying and asking me whether is there any solution besides moving out. i said the best choice is to move out otherwise all of us will be affected. when i saw the state that my mom is facing now, i also wanted to cry. i can't believe i've to face all this and i'm not sure whether i'm brave enough to go through this crisis or not. i feel that my future is not shining anymore. God, why are you so cruel? Why do you have to do this to my family and I? Why????

Sunday, June 05, 2005
5:46 PM