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i didnt go to school today as i wasn't feeling very well. i was having a splittin headache yesterday night. actually i was not in the mood to go to school as there's SS essay test today and i haven't study for it yet. anyway i've called joyceline juz now to ask her abt the qns. it is very boring to stay at home all day. i only went down to mobil at ard 11 to buy something to stuff myself. i havent even got the mood to go downstairs to buy myself lunch and it was 5.20am now. i think i juz forget abt it lah.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005
4:58 PM

as there's speech day on saturday so today is declared as a half day to cover up that saturday. so cool!! how i wish everyday will be a half day! mrs lee said that they will be giving everyone a piece of cake on national day celebration to thank everyone for their hard work during speech day! quite lame though! a piece of cake? i would rather have another half day! the school ends at 10.30 which means i only have english and physics lessons.
today the sotong family and maggie are going to the national library to borrow books. actually we dont really want to go as hq and i read from the papers that there was tons of ppl at the NLB on friday. but in the end we still continue with our outing. yesterday night, shan shan told me that she's not coming with us to NLB. today she suddenly changed her plans and told us that she's going. anyway we took mrt to bugis before we headed to burger king to have our early lunch. i was having a splitting headache when we are on our way to bugis. i think it was migarine. anyway i ate the big fish meal which now my favourie fast food meal. we took some pics when we were eating. right now there's more pics in our sotongs' photo album. after that we walked all the way to NLB. it was a gigantic building. we saw this malay girl who spiked her hair standing beside a bookdrop. at first i was thinking who's the tomboy doing beside the bookdrop. then i realised that she's one of employee of NLB. she looks quite cool though. the bookdrop has camera on the top which allows ppl to see whether their books had been returned already or not. we went to the fiction section after dropping our books. we saw that there're many nora roberts new books there! joyceline and i got so excited that we were practically grabbing all the books that we saw. :D in the end i only borrowed 4 books as shanshan wanted to use my card too. after that we went separate ways. shanshan and maggie went home while hq, joycel and i went to O.G. as huiqi meeting her aunt there to buy somethings. so we walked all the way from bugis junction to O.G. joyceline and i window shopping round the level 1 before heading towards the children section. we started with stuffed toys which brought back some childhood memories. after that we decided to take pics with these stuffed toys. so i took pic with 's penguin which looks so cute. joyceline chose to take with a toy dog which looked very cute as well. we wanted to take more but my camera suddenly went haywire. so we only took 2 pics. then after that we went to get lydia's birthday prezzie. Lydia: if you want to have ur prezzie in advance, plz tell me cuz joycel and i had wrapped ur prezzie already! i cant wait to see ur reaction when you opened ur prezzie. :) anyway signing off now! cya soon!

Monday, July 25, 2005
5:33 PM

today is speech day. i've to wake up at 6.50am to reach school by 8.00am. by the time i board bus 67, it was almost 7.15am. fortunately i reached at about 8.05am. when i reached the hall, i heard from mrs heng that the gates will be closed at 8.30. i should have reached school much later. we spent 1/2 hr take pics in the hall while waiting for the ceramony to start. i saw lots of ex-crescentians. the sotongs spent most of the time trying to guess which uniforms belong to which jcs. in the end i still can't figure out some of the uniforms. the most boring part was the speech given by mrs lee and the guest-of-honour, Ms Mary Yeo and the prize-giving session. the most interesting part was the dance performance by modern dance members and the opening ceramony by Mr Andrew Miranda followed by the Crescent Cheer. the last part was the most memorable one as you can imagine hearing all the ex-crescentian and fellow crescentian saying the crescent cheer was very nice. after the speech day, we went to the canteen to look at the funfair. i like the food sold by the parents support group. i ate nasi lemak, coke float and potato wedges. very delicious!! after eating, the sotongs went back to class to do the fabics of cgs. yunxuan helped to draw by drawing a panda bear hugging the bamboo shoots. in the end the class didnt manage to finish the drawing as too little ppl contributed their drawing. the speech day ended with the school singing the crescent version of happy birthday to the school. actually overall the whole speech was quite nice. i quite enjoy the whole thing except for the fabrics of cgs. i could have spent the time shopping ard the parade square and eating. anyway shall sign off now, got a cooking lesson to attend in 1/2 hr's time.

Saturday, July 23, 2005
6:22 PM

even though today is friday. i hate friday as all the science and maths subjects are all squashed into this day. i really wonder if that person who plan this time table is really dumb or has dementia. today shanshan didnt come to skool, i guess it's because she sprained her ankle yesterda and it got worst. hope she got well soon.
during physics lesson, i had practical. by the time i finished setting up the electrical set. i only have 10 mins to tabulate and draw the graph. fortunately i managed to finish on time as the practical was quite easy to record. after physics lesson, it was biology lesson. i was spending the most 1 period daydreaming. then at the 2nd lesson, i had drank all the water that i had to keep me awake so i had to pinch myself to keep my eyes open. Biology lesson is the worst lesson i ever had. it's so boring. i cant believe anyone can stay awake except for mrs yip. during recess, i had recess with maggie, joycel, hq and pamela. but the table can only sit 4 persons. so maggie and pamela went to another table to have their food.
today is miss lee's last day under attachment to miss goh. miss lee is a very cute teacher. i kinda of think that she look lyk jolin tsai. she looks lyk a china doll. yesterday she had english lesson with us as miss goh had to go for speech day rehearsal. but then shanshan and i were watching the dance performed by the dance members. then we saw miss lee who asked why we are not in class. then i lied to her that i was waiting for my friend who was in the toilet. then she joked by saying, "Really? whoa that's good! what a good friend you are? i think you can win the best classmate award!" she is so lame but is nice at the same time. i'm going to miss her.
anyway shall sign off now. tmr is speech day. i cant even allowed to talk, whisper or sleep. i have to sit there lyk a robot.

Friday, July 22, 2005
4:59 PM

today's CME lesson was as boring as ever. i can't believe my ears when mdm jasminder khor said "What the fuck?" and "Godammit!"! i thought that teachers are not supposed to say swear words?
anyway i personally feel that it's a total waste of time having CME lesson with mdm khor. during geog lesson, the class was discussing abt free periods with miss karen tan. somebody in our class asked miss tan to take over the CME period. unfortunately miss tan refused as she remembered that time she took over mdm khor's period when she was absent from school. in the end mdm khor made lots of noises abt that. so now miss tan dont dare to take mdm khor's periods from then onwards.

Thursday, July 21, 2005
5:55 PM

it had been raining for the past 3 days. today when i was on my way to school, it started to rain. actually i kinda lyk this kind of weather during the hols and not during the schooldays. so that i can sleep in my bed! :D
anyway the first 2 periods were amaths. i almost fall asleep. i dont really lyk the kinematics. i prefer integration. :) miss ang is not going to have amaths lessons on friday as she's having canoeing competition but she gave us an integration wksht to finish. but i rather do the wksht than listening to her during lessons. :)
during recess, pamela was quite pissed off with shan shan and i for not waiting for her to finish her food. actually we only went and put our plates and we were thinking of going back to the table to wait for her but when we went back, we saw everyone was gone! so we tot that pamela had finished her food. as we were going back to the class, she said she dont really understand the way we are doing things. actually it's juz an misunderstanding but pamela seemed to take it very hard. i really wonder why. i think she might think herself to be an outcast among us but i dont really think so, everyone seems to treat her very well.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005
6:39 PM

yesterday i watched the news when my dad called me to ask me to switch on the tv. at first i was thinking why will my dad will ask me to watch news while he was at work. then i realised it's because of a panda bear who was trapped on top of the tree when there's a flood. it was actually living in the forest and it was the flood that had forced the poor 10 year old panda to escape. as the panda bear was too heavy to be carried down from the tree. the rescuers had to make him go to sleep first before, he can fall down from the tree onto the mattress provided. but the panda fall into sleep too deeply that he couldn't get down!! it's so funny!! so in the end the rescuers had to go up to the top of the tree to carry the heavy bear down. :D so adorable!!
today i had to go for dental appointment at 9am so i missed one period of physics lesson. i hate going to dentist. it's so scary!! i had to have 2 fillings in my teeth! urgh!! anyway i didnt really eat during recess as i dont wanna touch my teeth at all. but shan shan helped me buy 2 fishcakes so i've to eat it in the end. the day went by very slowly. english period was boring but fortunately didn't fall asleep. i've no idea i can keep myself awake during a very boring period. tmr i'm going to have 4 periods of english. i'm going to be dead man! i think i shall go to Mobil tmr to get myself some sweets before i goes to skool tmr. :)

Monday, July 18, 2005
5:19 PM

today is another typical sunday. i woke up at ard 8am by my mom's shoutings. she forever shouts at me to wake me up. why can't she come into my room and call me to wake up? she had to wake me up when she was in the kitchen doing her stuffs. i spent my morning doing my emaths hw. i had fishball noodles as breakfast. i didnt have anything for lunch as my mom had to hurry off for her english lesson. she asked me to help her finish some of her hw at the last min and her spelling which includes migarine and measles. this remind me when i was young, i used to learn my spelling at the very last minute and my mom would be forcing me to learn those words while on my way to school or tuition class. :)

Sunday, July 17, 2005
3:05 PM

today is another typical monday. got monday blues. i almost overslept luckily i had time to go to mobil to buy myself a curry puff. when i stepped into the mobil, i was shocked to see lots of flies lying on the floor. it's quite disgusting if you can imagine. there's at least 20 of them. Yuck!! so i hurriedly bought my curry puff before i rushed out for safety. took the early 190 but in the end i took the very late 132. i took the same bus as denyse and amy. i felt that my relationship with amy had became more and more distant maybe becuz i didn't take the same bus with her anymore. but anyway i'm kinda of glad that our relationship had become distant. i don't really lyk her though. anyway reached class at ard 6.55. the class was totally in darkness when i got into the class. everyone started streaming in at ard 7. i can tell that everyone was suffering from monday blues.
i was chatting with denyse and pamela when shan shan aka mountain came by and tried to participate in our conversation. she is so k.p.o! whereever i goes, she will definitely tag along. it's quite irritating, you know? i think pamela sensed what i'm thinking and she asked shan shan aka mountain to go away and shan shan aka mountain got quite hurt. but i don't really care cuz it's quite irritating.
i had one free period. i actually spent the time reading storybook even though i was supposed to do my maths hw.
i was quite hurt when practically everyone said that shan shan aka mountain's Ripcurl's pencilbox is nicer than mine. i thought everyone will lyk mine instead. Sigh!! but i still mine is much nicer than shan's. what to do, can't expect me to go and exchange for another one as i've already threw the receipt away le.
the day went by very slowly. i got back my amaths test paper. 13/25. the worst result i ever got for amaths. that's not all i got the same results as Shan!!! i can't believe it!! her amaths used to be much more lousier than mine but now both of us got the same kind of results. it's time to buck up even more!! from today onwards i shall not be lazy and practise on my maths and amaths till i drop!! Lydia: you muz help me, okie? i wanna beat shan shan in everything! hahaha!!

Monday, July 11, 2005
6:47 PM

today is chinese 'O' levels oral. i feel that i did much better than prelims. but i hope the teachers will be kind enough to give me an A. one of the 2 teachers was so strict. however i know that in my heart i have did my best. :) in august, i'll noe my results le. i'm very nervous. now i'm left with listening compre which is next week. shall cross my fingers and pray to God!
anyway shall go and bathe now. signing off now! cya!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005
6:14 PM

today is youth day. i wore class tee and school skirt. the class tee is actually polo shirt which makes me so hot. i kept perspiring lyk water tap. there's normal lesson as usual till 12.30, concert and amaths lessons. physics lesson was dead boring but i didn't fall asleep which is a great accomplishment. biology lesson after physics, mrs yip spent 2 periods going thru bio. tys with us. i only manage to do 3 chaps out of 4 chaps. shan shan didn't do her hw again. she forever not doing her hw. people always have this mindset of shan shan being a very good girl who will diligently do her hw lyk huiqi. but shan shan is a totally opposite person. she always doesn't hand in her hw. for instance she didn't hand in an expository essay which was due a long long time ago. when miss goh asked her for it, she acted innocently as though she really forgot to bring but actually she didn't even do. she even goes to miss goh and asked her for the questions. if she didn't bring it, she will have do it already in the first place, isn't it? she even dared to ask ryouko to hand in her essay when in the first place she didn't even do it. sometimes i really can't stand her when she herself didnt even do hw and she dared to ask me whether i do or not. i kinda think that she's getting from bad to worse.
this year's youth day's souvenir is a badge which is not bad-looking but the girl on the badge looks kinda of retarded. the concert is the worst school concert i ever seen in Crescent. first of all, mr miranda showed us a powerpoint slide on children that are suffering all around the world, then he also showed us pics of school teachers when they are young. then miss maria tan sang the song to us, followed by a dance by tamil society and lastly a game which involved the teachers and us.
oh yah, today the most enjoyable lesson was chem. mrs chia chatted with us abt lots of things from what kind of car she drive, how old is she (51 yrs old), what kind of hse she lives in, where did she meet her husband and so on. i began to find that she's actually a very nice teacher. i used to think that she's a bad teacher who always has mood swings. but today i totally changed my mind abt her. at the end of the lesson, she gave me something so as to thank me for being a chem rep. she also gave shan shan who mrs chia thinks that she's my partner who always helps me. at first lydia thought that she will get something too but mrs chia said no. so bad loh, lydia always helps her to set up her laptop or OHP. mrs chia shld give her something. luckily lydia doesn't really mind. anyway signing off now, cya soon!

Friday, July 01, 2005
6:06 PM