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this is my very last entry before my 'O' levels. for the past few weeks, i've been mugging lyk there's no tmr. my prelims results was lyk so bad that i dont even dare to say it out. so i've to do very very hard for my 'O' levels to buck up. last friday was the farewell assembly. i thought that it will make everyone of us cry but to my surprise we didn't. i'm not sure why maybe we aren't emotional enough. i lyk the part where they showed us the ppts or videos done by various classes. it brings back lots of memories from the past 2 yrs in S2. i'll never forget the fun and laughter we had in the class and of cuz the seriousness when exams are around the corner. it's the unitedness that brought all of us together. i really very appreciate that. Thanks so much, S2!! may all of you best of luck for the upcoming 'O' levels!! :)

Sunday, October 23, 2005
2:28 PM

yesterday there was a booster session from the course. i spend 3 hrs sitting there listening to gary lee talking stories and crap. sigh! i shouldn't have went in the first place. gary lee spent most of the time telling stories and making everyone laugh. the only thing i learn from this session is how to use anchoring to help in my studies.
today i woke up at ard 9 am as i had maths tuition at 11. went to cck's macs to have breakfast. when i reached there, it was totally packed of malay kids. i tink there's a competition for these malay kids from the nearby mosque. they were so super noisy. i cant stand them!! i almost feel lyk asking them to shut their big mouths up. anyway when i reached my tuition, the place was packed again. why today i was so unlucky? mr koh, my maths tutor asked me to return in half an hr. so guess what? i went to centrepoint's macs to have my lunch. the time where i had my breakfast and lunch was only 1 hr apart. :D i can really break a world record. fortunately by the time i reached my tuition place, i managed to find a place to sit down. i asked quite a no. of questions from the exam papers which the school gave. i had my maths tuition from 12noon till 2.30pm. afterwards i rushed lyk mad to kovan to have my amaths tuition which started at 3pm. by the time i reached there, i was 5 mins late.
during the tuition, my tutor, ms chee told the class that we are going to have a AMATHS INTENSIVE MASS LECTURE on 2 nov and 4 nov from 10am till 5pm!! what the heck is this all about? i have never heard of this before in my life! A amaths intensive revision is going to kill me lyk mad! ms chee said that there will be 45 mins break for lunch, 15 mins break for tea. that's not all, she will be squeezing a no. of 150 ppl in a small classroom so most of us would have to sit on the floor for 6 hrs while the ppl at the back will be able to sit on chairs. i tink i will be dead meat by the end of the day. 6 hrs of doing amaths non-stop is definitely going to tire me out! sigh!! life is stressed man! i cant wait for 22 nov to arrive cuz by then i'll be FREED! :D i sounds abit mad now, plz forgive me! :) anyway shall sign off now, gotta eat my peanut paste which i bought from heartland mall! cya peeps!!

Saturday, October 01, 2005
7:04 PM