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it've been a long time since i last blogged. i've been busy with work and tuition. today is my 5th day at work as a cashier @ Fairprice. yesterday i finally had the chance to open the counter on my own using my employee no. and pin no. but there's a senior cashier to guide me along throughout my whole shift. i worked frm 8am to 12.30am. yesterday morning was very crowded as tuesday the senior citizens get to enjoy 2% discount from all items that is below $200. i had to ask each and everyone of them whether they got elderly card or ez-link card. the worst thing is when the customer doesn't even know what are you talking abt. there was this particular old man who only know how to speak dialect and i dont even speak dialect except for a little bit of Hokkien. it was so brain-consuming trying to get the old man to understand that he had to pay a certain amt of money. there i was trying to talk to him in Mandarin but he was trying to talk to me in his own dialect. fortunately there was this nice man behind him who was willing to help me translate what i said to the dialect the old man knew. so in the end both of us managed to communicate to each other.
another thing that i experienced yesterday morning was that there was this particular Indian man whom i believed to have Down Symdrome. whenever you see him, he will grin at you awkardly and you will feel very uneasy. my seniors told me that this man will come to Fairprice to buy things at least 2 to 3 times in a day. it was true! he came to my counter 3 times during my shift to buy things. the first time he bought a can of beer and when i asked him for money, he gave me that grin again. Omigod! i tell you when he did that, goosebumps started to come. so i hurriedly passed him the change and served the next customer readily. that was not all, he came for the 2nd time and bought a can of soft drink. this time i was clever enough not to see his face and just take the change frm him and gave him the recipt. the last and hopefully the least was he bought another can of soft drink. Sigh! i wonder will he drink those cans of drink or not cos that's alot for him to drink in one morning especially if he has an empty stomach.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005
3:01 AM

it've been a long time since i last blogged. i've been quite busy these days. On Monday, i went for training at Queenstown frm 9am to 5pm. When i reached there, i didn't expect to see so many youngsters! i was shocked but relieved as i'm not the only one going for this training. :) Almost more than 30 people turned up for the training. In the end, the training starts at ard 9.30 due to some confusion. Our trainee is called Samantha. I'm not sure whether i'm imagining things too much or what but i kept thinking that Samantha looks and acts lyk MISS KAREN TAN!!! :D i can't believe it! You know, the way Samantha speaks is exactly lyk Miss Tan, even the way she scolds us is exactly the same as Miss Tan!! Omigod!! This's going to be a disaster! That's not all for me! Samantha started by having icebreaker which is self-intro. Being so unlucky that day, i was the FIRST one to self-intro myself!! So i standed up, feeling nervous, i said out my name, age and which branch i'm frm. Before i could finish, she stopped me and asked this particular boy sitting right at the back whether he could hear me or not. Guess what, that stupid guy said, 'No!' So in the end i've to repeat one more time. Finally when i finished, she told me,'Hey! Next time speak louder leh! You cant expect a ______ to speak so soft, you know!' Then others continued to self-intro themselves until some newcomers came in. That Samantha said,'Since we've some newcomers coming in, we shall have the icebreaker game one more time!' WHAT!!! I'VE TO SELF-INTRO MYSELF AGAIN! This is going to my 3rd time i'm self-intro myself! i was so pissed with that woman. She looks so irritating.
anyway after the stupid icebreaker finally ended, we watched 2 super duper boring videos abt Singapore's history and _____'s history. By the way, what is the use of watching this? Is it in case a customer come up to you and ask you what is the history of Singapore? Of course not lah! you think ppl so free ah!
the only part of the training which i enjoyed most was the tea break and lunch break. that is the only time where i was freed finally. :) The lunchtime was frm 12noon to 1pm so i went to the nearby hawker centret to have my lunch. After lunch, there was more boring ppt slides and more lectures by Samantha. She gave us group discussion for us to brain-storm some things. i finally managed to bond with the ppl sitting at the same table. there was 7 of us. There were Rashirah, Jie Ying, Ruby, Letchimi, Kok Wee and Sock Hoon. :) i still can remb their names. All of them are same age as me except for Rashirah who's currently in Anderson JC. Her secondary school was Cedar Girls'. :) i began to find that they are very friendly to make friends with.
the group discussion was followed by customer service by the manager of the company. She's called Dorina! i tell you i really dont know is it becos i missed the teachers in Crescent or what but i find that Dorina looks and acts lyk MISS PENNY ANG!!! Omigod!!! But Dorina looks better than Miss Ang. No offence, Miss Ang! :) Dorina began to tell us her experience when she experienced bad customer service. She told us that she was a military woman long ago b4 she became a flight stewardess with Cathay Pacific for 12 yrs. So we started to calculate how old is she. then we guess she's 45 le. then she said her age is always a secret and will not reveal it! Whatever!! anyway she told us that if anyone of us wants to be a flight stewardess, plz dont ever do that auntie job! guess what, when she was a flight stewardess, whenever the toilet bowl got chocked up, she had to dig up the faeces and some disgusting stuff out. Omigod!! i didnt believe that a flight stewardess need to do this kind of things. Then she said those who want to be one, need to learn how to control their emotions at times. She said she had girls running to her crying saying that passengers scolded them using vigour language. Whoa!! i'll neva be one even if i have the chance. :)
anyway the training ended at 6 instead of 5 due to Dorina who talked so much! anyway yesterday i bought the OP shoulder bag at United Square's OP store. i'm not sure if it looks nice but i just bought it in the end. the usual price was 36 bucks after discount, it cost 28.80 bucks.
shall sign off le, mapling now! bb!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005
9:35 AM

i began to feel that my life now is not exactly boring at all. yesterday i attended my first lesson of bookkeeping course. i was actually supposed to reach the tuition centre by 6.45pm but i reached there at 7.05pm. the admin clerk thrusted the lecture book to me and asked me to enter the classroom quickly. when i entered, all eyes were on me. even though i was abit nervous, i still managed to calm myself down and find a seat to sit. most of the students in that class were adults except for this particular indian girl whom my tutor told us that she's only 14 yrs old. that girl said that she knows 4 languages (english, chinese, malay and tamil). i was thinking, 'So what if you noe how to speak 4 languages? Do you still need to learn Spanish and French?' that girl was mixed blood. her mom is an Indian and her dad is an American. throughout the whole lesson she acted as though she's the queen of the whole empire. i felt lyk giving her a tight slap across her irritating face. there's a chinese saying which is "you qi mu bi you qi nu" meaning both daughter and mother will have the same kind of character and attitude. after the lesson finally ended, her mom was bragging the admin clerk at the counter that she's actually looking for chinese speaking class so as to strenghten her Chinese language and she told her that she had already signed up all the accounting courses for her precious daughter to attend. "What? She's only Sec 2 and she's still schooling! you mean her future is already paved out for her?"

Saturday, December 10, 2005
8:50 PM

these few days i've seldom used the computer mainly it was because my mom was at home and she didn't allow me to use it. yesterday my mom was badmooding again and started to nag at me. sigh!! i tink my mom was too stressed as she had an english exam yesterday, anyway i've used to her nagging.
anyway today i went for job interview. i was shocked when i was told to finish a test which include reading, comprehension and memory test after i've finished applying the employment form. when the manager told me am i willing to work overtime and willing to work at any given time. i frankly told her i couldn't make it in the afternoon on tues, fri and sat as i've tuition. then she gave me that kind of "What! holidays still need to go for tuition?" look. i began to panick cos i scared that she will not employ me. in the end she told me that she'll give me a call and let me noe when the training going to start. at first i tot she's only giving excuse to chase me away in a nicer way. but i shall cross my fingers and hope that she'll call me back asap. i need a job desperately and some more it's very near to my hse and it's only 5 mins' walk frm my hse. that'll definitely save me some transporation fees! :)
shall sign off as i still need to rush off for registrating for my course at lavender rd! cya peeps!! :)

Thursday, December 08, 2005
10:30 AM