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today is the CNY 2nd day. i'm stuck at home for the whole day. actually my brother wanted to watch memoirs of a geisha with me but i've watched movie yesterday and the ticket costs a bomb. there're a number of movies which i'm interested to watch: memoirs of a geisha, cheaper by a dozen 2 & fun with dick and jane. if i'm going to watch these 3 movies within these few days, the tickets will cost me ard $29. that'll definitely burn my money pocket!!
tmr i'm going to town with joyceline and charlene. we are going out for lunch and shopping. i'm definitely looking forward to this outing as it've been quite some time since i last seen them. :) these days i only chat with joyceline on the phone. sigh!! friends don't last for long! i used to get along with the sotongs clique but now the only sotong i get along is joyceline. actually i dont feel surprised at all as life still have to go on. right now i can't wait to go back to school and make new friends instead of feeling sad that my friends in my sec school life are going through their phase of life.

Monday, January 30, 2006
7:08 PM

2:49 AM

these few days are work and more work, tuition and more tuition. actually i've no idea why am i going for tuition class when i'm not even sure whether i'm going to jc or not. i'm wasting my mom's hard-earned money. in a few weeks' time, my nightmare will begin. the Os level result will be out by then. sigh! anyway what's done cannot be undone...
i was supposed to work from 7.30pm to 2am yesterday but my mom actually complained to jennifer that it'll be very late by the time i got home. so jennifer let me off at 11.30pm. so in total i worked for 4 hrs today.
had my haircut yesterday @ kovan before i went for my tuition class. i tink my hair is screwed. it's super short and my fringe is long. i juz hoped it grow back to normal asap. i prefer my previous hairstyle...
anyway signing off now. it's 1.38am in the morning. cya!

Thursday, January 26, 2006
1:31 AM

You Can Hang With the Guys and the Girls

You've struck a good balance between girlie and laid back.
You can keep it casual but when you dress up, you are as girly as the next girl.
How Girlie Are You?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006
11:48 PM

11:43 PM

i had H2 maths tuition on last sat. my tutor taught the class how to use the graphic calculator. it was so pathetic that out of 30 plus students, only a handful of them got their graphic calculator. so in the end, all of us took turns to learn how to use it. the thing definitely cost a bomb and the only advantage of it is that it helps me to draw out the graph. i rather memorise the methods of drawing graphs than spending over 150 bucks on a useless calculator.
i've been working lyk crazy these few days especially over the weekend as CNY is around the corner. yesterday my mom visited my counter to buy groceries. actually i was not supposed to serve any of my family members or relatives whatsoever but i still secretly did. :) if i was caught doing that, i could have gotten fired straightway.
last friday i was super pissed off by my tutor frm my bookkeeping course which i had been taking for the past 6 wks. i went all the way frm CCK to Lavender juz to learn that the lesson on that day was postponed to this monday. i was so embarrassed when i was trying to find my name on the attendance list which obviously did not have my name there. the teacher just happily told me that the lesson was postponed due to some students in my class having other course on that day itself. i was asking her why didnt she make a point to call me and let me noe abt the change of days. guess what! she told me she forgot abt informing me!! Omigod! how could she dare to say that? just becos i told the admin clerk that the first lesson was quite boring , doesnt mean that she have to be so irritating to me! at that point of time i almost feel lyk asking her to pay for my transportation fees which i've spent just to hear that. it costs me 4 bucks in total. i could have bought 2 packets of chicken rice already!!

Monday, January 23, 2006
4:02 PM

3:38 PM

today was not exactly a good day for me at work. i left my hse for work at ard 12.13pm when i was supposed to be at my workplace by 12.15pm. by the time i reached there, it was 12.23pm. luckily jennifer, my chief cashier didnt scold me cos she was busy with allocating the counters to us. i was so unlucky to being chosen to take over counter 6 which is a makeshift counter. as it's a makeshift counter, not many customers will noe the presence of it so my total earnings for today was only 800 plus dollars only. :( so pathetic. at the start of the shift, i started with lots of spare coins. so when i counted my earnings at the end, i had mountains of coins for me to count. i hate counting money. so irritating!!! when i printed out my declaration report, i was short of 10 bucks!!! i was so nervous and had to recount my cash float again. this means that i have to recount my coins again!! fortunately for me, i found that my float was 10 bucks excess. phew!! otherwise i had to pay the 10 bucks.

Thursday, January 19, 2006
8:50 PM

today i woke up at ard 9am. i had to go back to my workplace in the morning to get back my keys which i happened to left it at the locker area. i was a typical sotong. now everyone in my workplace noe me by the nickname of sotong. that's not fair at all, i only forget certain things at times. i went back to buy cornflakes and milk for tmr's breakfast. audrey kept teasing me abt my lost keys by saying that next time she wants to walk behind my back so that if i happen to drop my wallet or anything valuable, she could keep it in the first place. humph! i shall not be that forgetful anymore. i tink yesterday i forgot to retrieve my keys was becos i was busy chit-chatting wif ying xue and kuei ni. ying xue was telling me why she didnt go to a jc when she scored 13 for her 'O' levels and instead she went to a poly. i find her very nice to talk to. she's my god sister but she alway out to bully me whenever she cans. yesterday she kept asking me to treat her to macdonald's breakfast whenever i asked her for help.
i juz bought ayumi's latest album called {miss} understood. i wasnt really satisfied with the album. the cover was so plain and the album supposedly comes along wif a photobook. but when i bought it, the salesgirl @ Sembawang Music Store told me that they dont have the photobook. that's not fair!! i was looking forward to having it. haix!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006
11:29 AM

today is another typical rainy day. it has been raining lyk water tap for the past 5 days. hope that tmr will be a sunny day cos i'll be going out wif the sotongs clique. we're planning to go back to crescent to visit the teachers as tmr is cca day. we're going to have our lunch at the sch canteen. i miss the food at the canteen so much!!
today i had work at 8am to 12.30pm. i finally saw my branch manager after 3 weeks at work. he didnt look as fierce as i expected and he said hi to me when i was at work. :) i finally had a locker of my own. actually the locker is not exactly mine as i've to share wif another new girl, Devi. after work i went home wif Kuei Ni. i got to know her even more. she's 19 this yr and is frm malaysia. she finished her 'O' levels last yr as she's 2 yrs older than her fellow classmates in sch. i actually feel that she shld further her studies to poly cos juz by remaining at Fairprice as a cashier is definitely not enough to survive. she'll only be earning abt 500 bucks a mth. that's so little!
anyway after i went home, i was so tired that i went and took a one and half hr nap b4 i went to Lot 1 to get my CNY clothes. i bought 4 OP tees which cost me a bomb. my money pocket had burnt a big hole already. the salegirls at the shop was so nice to me. they even offered to help me choose the designs of the shirts. :) i dont noe why everytime i say anything, they will juz laugh at me. maybe i was funny? :)

Thursday, January 12, 2006
6:11 PM

anon: this is purely my opinion of the whole competition and i believe that those supporters of kelly poon will have the same opinion as me. maybe i was wrong for saying kelvin as a handicapped and i apologise for that. however u've no right to criticise me lyk that! anyway if u want to put ur comments abt my entries, plz put your name down and don't be a coward to put ur name as anonymous!

Monday, January 09, 2006
2:27 PM