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i'm quitting frm my job by the end of next wk. i can't wait for that day to come! i hate work! i miss the school life in crescent so much! right now all my friends are having fun in their new life @ JC while i'm still stuck with work! everything seems to not going my way! :( there's so much to be done by the end of next week. i've to go for medical checkup, go to the bank and pay up the sch fees and fill up all the compulsory forms!
yesterday i went for bookkeeping course lvl 1. there's only 7 ppl in the class. i happened to be the youngest among all. i met this girl, Mary who's frm Malaysia. she's nice enough to chat. the coincidence thing is that she happens to live in the same housing estate as i do. the lesson was quite alright. it's so much better than the previous one which i took. the bad thing abt the class was that it was freezing cold!! my teeth was chattering lyk mad throughout the 2 and 1/2 hr lesson. i've to bring along my sweater the next lesson. speaking of which, my teacher told me that he couldn't make it for this thurs and the next thurs as he has something on. What! i've already signed up for unpaid leave frm my boss and he tells me that he cant make it? Urgh!! now i hoped that my boss can allow me to cancel those 2 days of unpaid leave and let me work. *shall keep my fingers crossed. after the lesson, i went home with Mary. She told me that her boyfriend actually wanted to fetch her home but since both of us live in the same place so we'll go home together instead. i didnt noe in the first place she can get nauseous during bus rides. her face was getting paler and paler any minute and she told me that she feel lyk vomiting. aiyo! what if she vomit on my shirt? fortunately she managed to control herself till we alight frm the bus. she looks so weak to me, so poor thing!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006
11:42 AM

i just came back from CCK polyclinic half an hr ago. i've an small op. on my ears. basically my newly pierced earholes got infected and my ear studs happened to find its way inside my ear lobes and got stuck there. the studs were being left inside the ear lobes for 3 days and the holes were already sealed back! so what to do? i only had to visit the doctor @ the polyclinic. i went yesterday @ ard 9am. i've to queue to get my registration no., see a doc, book an appointment and get my medicine @ the pharmacy. by the time i finished my consultation, it was 12.30pm. so today when i've an appointment at 8am. i woke up at 6.45am and reached there at ard 7.30am. by then there's a queue outside the entrance even b4 it's officially opened. i managed to wait for my turn at the registration counter at ard 8am. unfortunately the clerk said i need to register by myself at the self registration counter. urgh! i wasted 15 mins queuing up for nothing! by the time i went inside the consultation room, it was already 8.45am cos the doctor was late. the doctor is called Dr Dava. She's very nice and friendly. throughout the whole process, she and two nurses were there to assist me. first of all, Dr Dava used alcohol to sterlize my ears b4 she inject to numb my ears completely. then she used a small blade to cut open my earlobes. fortunately i dont feel any pain. otherwise i'll die frm pain! she started to pull the earrings out of my ears. there's so much blood coming out even the nurses think it's gross to look! i closed my eyes throughout the whole process and i'm practically shaking throughout!! the process took ard 15mins b4 it's offically over!! i got to keep my bloodied earrings as souveirs. Dr Dava said that i can even buy earrings and ask her to put on for me since there's ear holes at my ear lobes now. i told her that i'll dare to pierce my ears after this frightening experience!! i've pierced my ears 3 TIMES in my life already. i've enough of all this! :D right now i had two thick bandages pasted on my ear lobes and the two nurses joked with me that those are my new earrings! so lame! but i find that all of them are very nice to talk to. when they were bandaging my ear lobe, i asked them is it masking tape that they are pasting on my ears. they started to laugh and said, 'yah right! after that we are going to put super glue to glue the bandage to ur ears!' hahaha!! they are so humorous! they told me that yesterday they did something similar to another patient who also had her earring studs stuck inside her ear holes juz lyk me! so coincidence! but she only had one ear lobe injured but i had two. but both of us had to pay the same consultation fee, S$35.
i finally got my enrolment package frm NYP yesterday. there's so many things to be done by the end of this month! there's medical checkup, school fees to be paid of, lots of forms waiting for me to fill up. the good thing is that i dont have to buy laptop! :)

Thursday, March 16, 2006
10:48 AM

it've been 3 days since the posting results had been out. i'm been posted to nanyang's poly business management which is my 3rd choice. my first choice is actually NYP's accountancy course. so today i woke up at ard 7.30am just to go all the way to NYP to appeal for the course that i want. when i reached there, i was shocked to find that so many ppl were there for the same purpose as i. the campus was so big that i was afraid that i'll be lost inside. fortunately there's such thing as directory. :P the whole process of appealing only took me barely 5 mins. took the appeal form, fill out, give to the person-in-charge and that's it. after which i went to lot 1 to have my late breakfast followed by buying lunch for my brother.
i juz found out that the movie {The Da Vinci Code} will be in theatres by 18 may! i'll definitely be catching that! i've waited for that show for ages! :)

Monday, March 06, 2006
12:01 PM

it've been quite some time since i last blogged here. i shall do a quick recap for the last few days.
tues (28 feb): i went out with joyceline to bishan junction 8 once again. but this time i wanted to buy a new watch for myself. in the end i bought 2 watches, one for me and another for my mom. i managed to get some bargain frm the shop owner. :P after which we headed to orchard cineleisure for lunch and window shopping. i started to lyk that place alot. :) had lunch at LJS where we met joyceline's platoon mates. joyceline was shocked at first upon seeing them then she realised they are her NCC juniors. i tell you, her face suddenly turned to disgust!! hahahaha!! i didnt noe she will have such a big reaction over it. :D when we were having our lunch, we saw these 2 Crescentians who were sitting across us. they were talking so loud! i almost couldnt stand them. the best thing was that one of them accidentally spilled her drink on her friend's uniform. her friend was lyk screaming her life away. omigod! everyone in LJS was looking in their direction. i bet they must be wondering, 'Why those girls frm crescent are so siao?' there was this guy who looks lyk lin junjie quickly offered napkins to that poor girl to clean up the mess. at first i tot i was the only one who think tat guy looks lyk junjie, even joyceline tinks so too!! :) after which we went upstairs to window shop mainly looking at earrings cos both of us had managed to pierce our ears. :) joyceline told me that her friend who pierced her ears on the same day as she did, had taken out her earrings and it was abit painful. i tink i'll take out one mth frm now. fortunately by then it'll not be that painful anymore. i starting to lyk going out with joyceline cos both of us seem to have lots of stuff to talk abt. hopefully we can stay the same as time passes by. :)
wed (1 mar): i'm finally back to work after one day's break. the place was super crowded and my department where i'm working only opened 2 pathetic counters. the queue was so long which i almost couldn't stand it. luckily my colleague, Zuan Yu came to my rescue!! she managed to clear the queue in a short while. everything went very smoothly till the end of my shift where i've to count my total earnings of the day. i earned ard 10k plus which was the highest earning i ever worked! when my colleague told me that i was short of 2k. i was lyk, 'What? you kidding me rite?' i was so nervous cos it's definitely a huge sum of money. fortuanately the mistake was due to that my Nets money is combined with the morning shift's one. Phew!

Thursday, March 02, 2006
1:10 PM