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there isn't much happenings in my life these few days. maybe it's because next week it's mostly ICAs and i need to catch up on my work badly. yesterday was Accounts ICA. i tink i screwed up the test badly. there's one section where i've to do up a balance sheet but at the end i couldn't balance the entries up! i spent at least 15 mins trying to figure what's the mistake. then i gave up and went to the next qns cos i only left with 10 mins to do the next one. i've been hoping to get full marks for this ICA but now i doubt so. :'( yesterday after the accounting ICA, Parvin, Liyana, Xuan Li and i went to the fast food joint to have lunch. i ate my fav brownie with ice cream again. it's $2.50 but i tink it's worth trying. Germaine and Shi Jun saw me eating brownie and decided to try as well. :) u see, i helped the shop to intro their brownies. they shld at least gimme some commission. after which we went to the library to do work. on our way there, it was raining cats and dogs. you know, when it rains, the whole campus will start to rain as well. everywhere in the campus will be flooded as though we're in 3rd world country. that's why we always say the campus is raining again. :) we ended up reading magazines in the lib instead of doing econs tutorial.
during the econs tutorial, i sat beside Germaine. both of us kept suaning each other non-stop once we sat down. i dont noe why everytime we talked, we ended up suaning each other, maybe the last life i owe her my life. :'( anyway she's very nice to be with except that she's quite talkative. :) throughout the whole tutorial, both of us were chatting non-stop. i made a mistake by saying something when i was talking to Shi Jun and both of them burst into laughter right during the tutorial. everyone in the class was lyk turning their heads in our direction, wondering what is so funny. our tutor kept staring at our direction. but becos of the thing that i said, we kept on laughing non-stop. i shall not say what's it that made they laugh cos it's kinda censored. :)

Friday, May 26, 2006
10:23 AM

right now i'm quite pissed off with somebody. feel lyk giving her a punch in her face! i shall not say any further just by saying her name makes me want to vomit! forget it then!
anyway yesterday there was the ICA on Effective Skills. the topic was on Casino-Resort which is going to be built in singapore. i wrote only 1 page and a little more on my opinions abt that. when i handed my scripts to Ms Kan, she asked me whether the paper is difficult or not. all i've to say is that it's an average paper. she continued asking whether yesterday exercise which she gave the class was useful for today's ICA. i said yes cos at least it came out what's expected. if she gave the class ICA the day before, i would not have know what to do in the first place. :)
in the evening i went for LCCI lessons @ 7pm. i took the bus @ 6 and guess what i was stuck in a traffic jam for 20 mins. by the time i reached the centre, i was 10 mins late. why am i always so suay? Monday i went back to the clinic to get the korean dramas frm Ann, i chatted with her till 6.45pm. i rushed all the way frm Paragon to Park Mall which is 3 bus stops away. fortunately i managed to reach there on time. my friends asked me how come i reached there so fast. i told them i kinda ran and walked at the same time. i was perspiring lyk crazy when i reached the classroom.
yesterday i went home with this classmate of mine, karen. i find her to be a very friendly person as at the beginning i find her quite arrogant cos she seldom talks in the class. we talked abt lots of stuff on the bus. she gave me comments abt my poly life and so on. she was frm ngee ann poly which is much more better than nyp. she asked me to treasure the times i have now in poly cos life in poly is very much different from the life i had in secondary sch. she told me that now she still keeps contacts with her poly friends and every year they will have a class gathering. :)

Thursday, May 18, 2006
9:57 AM

today i was almost late for work all becos of the stupid people @ Macs. every saturday morning before i goes for work, i'll head to macs for breakfast otherwise my stomach will grumble lyk mad when i was working. :) when i was queuing up to buy macs, there was this idiot Phillipino man standing beside me. in other words, he wasn't even in the queue!! then when it was my turn to order, he cut into my queue directly and stepped on my shoe!! he didn't even turn his head and apologised!! what the hell!! does he have any manners? he was so slow when he ordered his food! even the guy who was serving the counter was looking at me for help. he ordered 2 coffees and 1 tea and when the guy had already prepared the drinks. that idiot changed his plan by ordering 2 teas and 1 coffee! what a pathetic guy! i feel lyk giving him a tight slap! he spend a total of 5 mins trying to make up his thick mind to order. fortunately when i reached the clinic, Dr Chua was late. :) the day went on very smoothly even though there was a new case where i need to take xray. but i mangaged to develop the photo out smoothly! :) i left the clinic at ard 1.45pm leaving Dr Chua to do her lab work. She told me to lock her inside the clinic cos she wouldn't have know if someone come in. then when i was on my way out, she asked me to hold on cos she need to see whether she has the keys to go out later. she was so forgetful at times. once she forgot to switch off the light of the kitchen overnight. she told me that once she told my colleague, Ann to lock her inside the clinic and go off first. in the end she found out that she didnt bring her keys and Ann was already long gone. so in the end, Dr Chua had to call her husband to bring down the keys frm her hse. aiyo! you see, she is so forgetful!! i almost want to call her a sotong! :)

Saturday, May 13, 2006
6:20 PM

last tues (9 May) was my 17th birthday. my class celebrated my birthday by giving me a surprise in the morning. actually i was supposed to go to sch one hr earlier to finish accounting grp work. then Xuan Li called me to ask me to go and meet her @ Food Junction for breakfast. i was thinking since when she's good enough to treat me to breakfast. anyway i went there with Elaine, we had a hard time trying to locate my friends. Guess what? i saw them trying to keep the candles frm blown off. i was quite stunned as it was the first time my friends will ever prepare a birthday cake for me. normally only my family will buy a cake for me. i was so happy!! it was a choc cake, my fave!! afterwhich we rushed for our tutorial class when we were 5 mins late! fortunately my tutor was kind enough to forgive us. after the tutorial, we were heading for the next lecture. my class was inside the lift when Sheryl asked everyone to sing a Birthday song for me. i was lyk, 'Aiya, no need lah!!' so in the end, they sang it inside the lift. when we went out, i heard someone saying, 'How come there's ppl saying birthday song inside the lift?' :) so funny loh! anyway the day went very fast especially it was my birthday.
yesterday was my computer skills ICA. at first i was thinking i'm going to flunk this test badly cos i dont understand what the teacher is talking abt during the lesson. then during the ICA, the teacher said it's going to be in the form of pair work so two person will just have to hand in one piece of work! Fantastic!! at least there's 2 brains thinking abt the questions. guess what, i was the unlucky one. the files which i've saved on the desktop were too large to be saved on the diskette!! i almost wanted to break into tears cos if the teacher couldnt open the files, i'll be given a zero!! i was so frantic that i kept clicking the mouse to save the files!! the computer went hanged!!! URGH!! my classmate, Yasser was lyk 'Yuexin ah! calm down!! you are torturing the poor computer, you noe!' he kept patting on my shoulder and he tried to help me solve the problem. in the end, for safety purpose, i handed in 2 diskette just in case. :) phew! what a day for me!!
DA VINCI CODE MOVIE IS FINALLY COMING TO TOWN ON 18TH MAY!!! YIPPEE!! i've been waiting for it till my hair is going to turn grey!! i cant wait to watch it man!! anyone want to watch it with me? just gimme a msg! thanks!!

Friday, May 12, 2006
3:28 PM

today is the election day so it's a public holiday. i don't have to go to work. :) yippee! i went to town with HuiQi and Joyceline. at first i tot they'll be giving me birthday present. but No! they didn't! i was so sad! they said they will only be giving me on Fri, Vesak Day! Omigod! i can't wait to get it! :) anyway this tues, 9 may is my 17th birthday. i've lived on this world for 17 yrs!! that's long!! i met HuiQi at HMV at 12 noon. we iddled ard the music store, looking at vcds, dvds and etc. finally we decided to have lunch at breeks while waiting for joyceline at the same time. i was surprised to see Hui Min working as a waitress at breeks. i tot she had quitted the job to go to poly. anyway i've Fish & Chips while HuiQi had pasta. by the time we finished most of our food, Mighty Joyceline finally arrived!! :) we had ice cream together and we had fun taking photos of ourselves using my cam. i've uploaded the pics, sotongs!! afterwhich we headed to Heeren again to take neoprints. the last time we took neoprints, we've a bad experience frm it. each of us spent $9.50 on neoprints which is super duper ex!! guess what? it's becos we asked Shan Shan to develop colour print for us. and it cost 18 bucks to develop 3 copies!! so each of us have to fork out 4.50 bucks to pay for the colour print!! so ex!! i'll never colour print my neoprints ever again!! anyway got to go and do my accounting hw otherwise my mom will be slaughtering me! cya peeps!

Saturday, May 06, 2006
6:30 PM