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YEAH FINALLY!!! POM and Econs ICAs' presentations are OVER!!! yesterday was Econs ICA presentation. it was a total disaster! the minute i saw the first group to present, i was thinking,'Oh Gosh!! Why are they so good?' the group before mine was creative enough to put up a humorous skit and presenting their ppt at the same time. when it was my grp's turn, my heart was pumping at 120km/hr. i was thinking that i'll definitely screwed up the whole presentation. And it's really true!! i made a fool out of myself by doing stupid things (like clicking too fast, pressing the wrong things!) anyway there's no point crying over spilt milk. what is done cannot be undone! poor Elaine! She was so stressed up after the presentation that she actually skipped computer lessons and went shopping with her girl friends. elaine: Don't Worry!! everything will be fine!

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Friday, July 28, 2006
11:35 AM

sometimes there's things which cannot be said in a blog and i'd rather write it out in a diary. but it's just too much for me to write them all out. so i'll have to keep it deep inside my heart for the time being so as to allow my heart to heal.
yesterday i went to Xuan Li's hse to do Effective Skill's project along with Elaine and Liyana. We went to Mr Prata's shop which is below her hse to have our lunch. i've 2 egg pratas, Elaine've French and Ice cream pratas while Xuan Li and Liyana ate 2 plain pratas respectively. actually to me, most pratas taste the same to me no matter what others say. hahaha!! We spent most of the time eating chips, chatting and listening to music while we shld put our mind in the project which was due in less than 5 days' time. i left the hse with Liyana at ard 5.15 as my mom wasn't happy with me for going out on a Sunday when i shld be doing my hw.
last fri (21 july), i went to ZPOP concert with Germaine, HuiTing & Jiahui aka JieJie. we've dinner at ThaiExpress and i found that the food there are alright cos i love fried rice in the first place. but the only thing i dont really lyk abt Thai food is spicy! i almost choked on the chilli for at least 3 times in a row. sigh!! luckily i wasn't admitted to hospital. after which we rushed all the way frm Marina Square to Indoor Stadium via cab. at first we thought we were running late but by the time we rushed there, there's still lots of ppl strolling ard. Sigh!! typical Singaporeans are always lyk that. we took pics of ourselves after finding our seats. the concert starts at ard 8.30pm by Fish Leong singing 4 songs. the concert was quite alright though. it've been 6 yrs since i last stepped into Indoor Stadium. the last time i went there was to attend Fann Wong's 'My Story' concert with my mom. anyway it was 11pm by the time the concert ended. we took a stroll outside the Stadium when we finally managed to catch the last bus 16.
anyway gtg now!! cya!

Monday, July 24, 2006
3:32 PM

i'm currently using my hse computer FINALLY!! anyway it've been quite some time since i last updated. my life is full of projects, work, LCCI and ICAs for the past 2 wks. for instance this wk, i've 2 ICAs (Statistics & Accounting). i screwed up my Statistics ICA cos i didn't study for it. i went home at ard 11 the day before and i just read through the lecture book without anything going into my head. i ended up sleeping on the table instead. the next morning i went for the ICA unprepared. but many ppl said the paper's a disaster and Mr Yeoh said that'll be moderation to it. {i hope so!!}
during the Statistics lecture on tues, i made a fool out of myself!! sigh! i didn't mean to!! Mrs Teo called out my name randomly so as to answer a qns. i was supposed to read out this conclusion to this particular qns by saying,"....... at alpha = 0.01." but i forgot to say that and she replied,"Do you have anymore to add?" then i managed to remember to say that!! so i read that last part out. Guess what? Mrs Teo asked why did i take so long to answer that qns? i answered,"I've no breath!" the minute i said that everyone in the whole lecture theatre burst into laughter!! actually to be frank, the part where i said i've no breath just came out of my mouth without a thought! i was quite surprised as well! that's not all yet! Mrs Teo said that next time when she've lecture, she going to say halfway and say she've no more breath to continue. Sigh!! at that instant, my face was tomato-red. i could feel the hotness going all the way up to my ears!!
yesterday i've Accounting ICA. fortunately that was quite alright for me! hope that i'll do well this time round. alright, gtg now!! bye!

Friday, July 21, 2006
8:42 AM

i'm currently in the free access computer lab in sch and i'm supposed to be revising on my microsoft excel's ICA which is on this coming thurs. these few days were quite hectic for me. there's at least 4 projects pending for me to finish within the next 3 wks. urgh!!! why is life in school so irritating to cope with?
last sat was one of the worst nightmare i ever experienced! i got scolded by Dr Chua for a stupid mistake i ever made. i charged one patient $6.80 instead of $680 for a stupid headgear!! how on earth would i know that one metal wire will charge a few hundreds bucks? i didn't realise my mistake until Dr Chua checked the files and everything. she was fuming mad and i could see smoke coming out of her ears!! Gosh! it's the worst mistake i ever made. She kept saying that this is due to my sloppiness and my bad attitude @ work. in the morning, she said how come i look so sleepy and so blur right in front of the patient's face. can you imagine what would that patient have in her mind abt me after that? she ever criticised me right in front of patients or she would dragged me all the way to the kitchen to give me a lecture. sigh!! i feel lyk quitting but i need money badly. i spent the whole Sun doing nothing but accounts. i couldn't catch up with what the teacher's teaching for LCCI. oh right, gtg now! need to head for LCCI classes now!

Monday, July 10, 2006
4:49 PM

it've been quite some time since i last entered my entry. the sch hols is over even though i wish it could have been much more longer. anyway i managed to change my blogskin as i'm quite sick and tired to stare at the same skin for more than 2 mths. :) i might be going on hiatus cos schoolwork load is getting heavier. anyway got to head to sch now, i'm running late! Bye!!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
9:15 AM