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YEAH!! something lucky happened to me last night! yesterday i was revising for my LCCI while listening to Perfect 10 {Say It With Music with Carrie Chong} at the same time. so i decided to try out my luck by sending sms to dedicate a song to my friends. so here's what my msg goes: I'd lyk to dedicate the next song to JiaHui aka JieJie, Joyceline, Germaine, ShiJun, HuiTing and the rest of NYP BM0612. Enjoy your hols!! i sent it at ard 9.15pm and i doubt that it'll be read out. however i still msged Germaine, JiaHui and Joyceline to listen to Perfect 10 in case it was read out. at ard 9.50pm, the DJ actually read it out!!! oh gosh! i was totally caught off guard and my heart was pumping very fast! i was so lucky! it was my first time dedicating song on air. :) Poor Germaine didn't manage to hear it becos she went and watched tv. Don't Worry! next time i'll dedicate once more! the min i heard it, i called JiaHui and she DID hear it as well! :) anyway becos of that, i was so happy the whole night long!
anyway i didn't know what i've wrote in the blog will be read by so many ppl. the last entry i wrote abt going to Minds Cafe with the gang. they actually tagged my blog and said thanks for coming. :)
anyway i want to share pics which my friends sent them to me! those babies are so adorable!! Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
10:12 AM

yesterday (28th august) - i went out with the gang (HuiLing, Jiahui, Clement, Arwin, Mike, ShiJun, Germaine) to Minds Cafe for board games. i realised that i really have no childhood or i deprived for board games when i was young. the only board games i ever played were UNO, Monopoly and Scrabble!! Oh gosh!! that's so pathetic! for the starter, we played House of Life which i've never heard it ever in my life. so of course being a beginner at it, i got the last place in the end. nvm, at least i know how the games goes! :) afterwhich, we played 4 other games and i managed to emerge first for one of them. :) i'll definitely want to go back to Minds Cafe cos the board games are so fun!! :) we played all the way till 6. we managed to iddled ard in Plaza Singapura b4 i head for my LCCI class. i saw this guy who's a patient in my workplace @ Carrefour! he's so cute-looking despite that fact that he's 5 yrs older than me and he's going overseas next mth for further studies. anyway we didn't spend much time in PS becos i need to go for class and the rest need to go home for their home-cooked dinner. So fortunate man!!! it've been more than 2 mths since i last ate home-cooked meals unless instant noodles counts. :'( anyway i shall update abt my life if i can! hahaha!! sound lyk i'm writing a autobibliography!

Mike, ShiJun & I at Mind Cafe
Clement, JiaHui & I at Esplanade
JiaHui & I @ Kbox

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
10:40 AM

exams are finally over and hols has just arrived! :) in actual fact, i should be feeling excited abt what am i going to do during this long break. however i really have nothing in my mind right now. perhaps i've "Post Exams Syndrome". :'( my mom wants me to go and find part-time jobs so that i won't be slacking at home all day long. i spent most of yesterday trying to type out a proper resume and cover letter. in the end, i spent lyk 3 hrs typing out both letters up to my mom's satisfaction. seriously thinking, i dont think i'll be enjoying myself during this long break as i've to revise on my LCCI and my Eng 'O' levels. Sigh!!! Life Sucks, Take Drugs! my friend used to say that to me.
last thurs (24 Aug), i had my Eng Oral 'O' levels. it was held at Bukit Panjang Govt High. i got lost while on my way to that sch. i alrighted at the wrong stop, all thanks to my brother's wrong directions. so i ended up walking for 15 mins b4 i managed to catch a bus to that sch. when i entered the sch, the security guard stopped and actually asked me whether i'm a private candidate for Eng Oral. Duh! Do i look lyk a student from that sch? if i do, why am i wearing home clothes? anyway he told me to head over to the hall and wait for my oral exams to start. guess what? i spent 15 mins standing outside the hall for nothing because that security guard gave me the wrong info. the oral exams actually took place in the Lib instead of the hall. URGH!! i should have gone to the General Office for directions! anyway the oral exams went smoothly despite the fact that i was nervous throughout the whole exams. anyway it's finally over!!
last fri (25 Aug) was my last day of my semestral exams. it was Accts paper. even though i knew that i've screwed up the whole paper but i dont really care anymore. i think i'd end up taking sup papers for every single module. after the paper, the whole gang (Germaine, Hui Ting, Jia Hui, Clement, Elaine, ShiJun, Xiao Juan, Hui Ling and I) went to Suntec's KBox to de-stress!! i think i've spread the "Laughing Non-Stop Syndrome" to everyone in the room when i was the first few to sing. i just kept laughing non-stop throughout the whole song and the rest were quite pissed with me. all i've to say is"Sorry!! i didn't mean to laugh so much! i just couldn't control myself!!" we sang all the way till 3pm b4 we got chased out. after which we went to the arcade and i ended up playing Daytona with Hui Ting and Germaine. i finally emerged to be the FIRST!! :) afterwhich, we went window-shopping ard Suntec b4 heading over to Somerset. We've dinner @ Burger King and took neoprints @ Cineleisure. we went to Heeren for more window-shopping. Hui Ting managed to get her shorts for next day's Sentosa outing. We went to Lucky Plaza for pool and arcade. i've to admit it's my very first time playing pool. i had a hard time trying to position my fingers correctly. Sigh!! i'd have to practise more b4 i can be as pro as Clement and Hui Ting. we played Daytona again. but this time there were Clement, Hui Ting, JiaHui and i. i managed to clinched the 3rd place while Jiahui got the 1st place!! i was so proud of my JieJie!! :) afterwhich we decided that the night is still early and wanted to stay longer. we saw Kit Chan who's promoting for her performance at CK Tang. She looks exactly the same in real life. in the end we went to Delifrance Bistro for drinks and chatted for a while b4 we headed home at ard 10pm.
alright! i've wasted my energy typing out all this!! i shall go and take a rest first!! cya!

Monday, August 28, 2006
10:31 AM

HELLO EVERYONE!! i officially anounced that i'll be going on hiatus till end of aug as semestral exam're coming to town!! i've to work extremely hard in order to reach for as many As as possible otherwise i'll get slaughter by my mom! for the past one week, i've been heading out with friends lot of times especially with Germaine, Jiahui, XiaoJuan and Clement. i shall not further elaborate the exact details as it's going to take me ages to say. i shall let the pics tell you!! alright! gtg now!!

Sunday, August 06, 2006
3:21 PM