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yesterday (24th Sep) - i went out for breakfast at Bedok with my mom! k, you may be thinking how come my mom and i would go all the way from Chua Chu Kang to Bedok to have breakfast! but it've been 10 yrs since i last went back to my neighbourhood where i've spent my childhood memories in. since both of us missed the food there, we decided to go there yesterday! (: by the time we reached Bedok North hawker center, it was 8.30am. there was tons of ppl in the market!! my mom was lyk,"you go and find seat, i go and order carrot cake! hurry!!" :D my mom is so anxious to eat the food!! when the food finally arrived, both of us were lyk those ppl who've starved for days, we gombled up the food in a mere 10 mins' time! :) afterwhich we went round the housing estate, looking at the shops and trying to remember the memories i used to have {e.g. i used to buy my clothes from a particular shop and surprisingly the shop owner still remember me after 10 yrs!!} she said i used to look adorable in the clothes bought from her shop. :) i went and had a look at the primary sch which i attend during Pri 1. but it had already moved to another place and it's no longer there. but i could still remember vividly the times i had during my Pri 1 yrs. my mom told me that there was this particular Malay girl in my class who used to kiss me on my cheek. OH GOSH! is she a lesbian? hope not! i was shocked when my mom told me that cos i totally had no idea being kissed during my Pri 1 yrs!! we even walked all the way to Bedok Park!! my feet were becoming sore and painful by the time we walked the whole stretch of the park!! all thanks to my forgetfulness, i forgot to bring along my camera to take pics of the childhood place!! but my mom said we can always go back anytime!! alright! i'll definitely bring my camera next time round!!

Monday, September 25, 2006
4:36 PM

yesterday i went to KAP's Macs with HuiQi and Joyceline! that Oyster Han is forever LATE!! when i called her to ask her wherebouts, guess what? she still eating fruits at home!! i feel lyk going to her hse that min and feed her to the monkeys as fruits!! aiyo!! finally she made her grand appearance at 7pm after being 1 hr late! anyway we didn't do much revision and we are having fun taking pics of each others and make funny poses! we met LingFang, Jasmine and another Crescentian at KAP mugging for their promos. GOOD LUCK TO THOSE WHO'S TAKING THEIR PROMOS!! :) below are the pics which we took yesterday {there's are some lame shots so just bear with it! (:

what an adorable girl we've over here!! (:

what is Joyceline Han doing when the 2 of us are studying?

Joyceline's a PAPARAZZI!! {Police! Catch her!!}

Joyceline's playing with the camera's effect again!! (:


k, we're trying to be retarded over here! (:

Can i have my next birthday party in there? it's so fun to be a kid once more! (:

the 3 of us were so fascinated by the Mac's balloons!! (:

i'm actually trying to emphasize the Leaning Tower of LAYS Potato Chips (:

we're playing with the camera's effects! (:

the interior of KAP! {actually i just had the obession with photography!}

we tried to take the background of the supermart!

we tried once more! :)


the past of Cold Storage

& the future of Cold Storage!!

do i need to make any intro abt this? (:

*the highway opp King Albert Park

Saturday, September 23, 2006
3:03 PM

these few days i've been practically rotting at home, having nothing better to do! :'( i feel as though i'm being decomposed day by day! i started to play MapleStory once again! :) a brand-new addiction during the hols! anyway it was raining heavily this morning so i decided to take some shots of the scenery outside my hse to kill off some boredem! :) later in the evening, i'm heading down to KAP's Macs to study with Joyceline aka Earthworm, Blur Sotong, Oyster Girl and Snake. :) i bet she's going to kill me after she read that all her nicks are up here but TOO BAD!! (",) i've already wrote them down!!

this shows that the LRT track is THIS near to my hse!

i love this shot loads! {i tink it's the nicest shot among the others!}

nice scenery outside my house! (:

i LOVE raindrops!! (:

Friday, September 22, 2006
12:17 PM

i've uploaded the pics which i've taken during the outing with joyceline on 8th Sep! just scroll down to the 11th Sep entry and enjoy!! :)

Monday, September 18, 2006
6:21 PM

I'VE FALLEN SICK!! i hate sickness most!! i'm having sore throat and high fever right now!! URGH!!! i'm feeling so terrible, can't even properly swallow my saliva because of my sore throat! so now i'll have to drink TONS of water to wash all the phelgm in my throat otherwise i'll have difficulty to breathe properly! :'( pray and hope that my sickness will go off asap otherwise i'll have to live with it for the rest of the hols!
yesterday was the release of the results. I'M UTTERLY DISAPPOINTED WITH MY RESULTS!! i only got 1 pathetic A for Computer Software which most of my friends got A as well. the most disappointing subject was Accounting for Assets, i've expected myself to score an A for it but guess what? i got a B+ for it! :'( i believe it's that depreciation qns which put my marks down alot cos i've no idea what's the qns abt. anyway what's done can't be undone though, so i'll just have to pull up my socks and work even harder than before during my next semester.

Thursday, September 14, 2006
4:21 PM

yesterday (12th Sep) - i went to Taka to have lunch with JiaHui and Germaine. i was supposed to meet Jiahui at Orchard MRT station at 12 noon but i ended up to be half an hr late. i still have to help my brother and mom to return their lib books at Orchard Lib. so by the time i reached Taka's Food Village, i only had 15 mins with Germaine and Jiahui cos Germaine had to start her work shift at 1pm sharp. afterwhich we headed to Germaine's workplace and asked whether there's anymore vacancies left. Jiahui and i went and catch {The Little Man} @ Cineleisure! it's a HILARIOUS show to watch!! those who haven't catch it yet, it's a must-watch show to catch if you want to have a great laugh out of it! :) after the show, we went and had dinner @ Food Republic. the food sold there are rather expensive. Below are some of the pics which we took:

we managed to squeeze ourselves inside the pic!! :)

a self protrait of the CUTE JiaHui!! ;)

Top view taken from Food Republic {i love this shot loads!}

2nd take and managed to catch JiaHui's face! :)

caught JiaHui on camera!! :)

WHOA!! that takes lots of patience to freeze!! :)

an attempt to take a pic of ourselves on the escala

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
11:00 AM

yesterday was my last lesson of LCCI Accounts!! i'm going to miss all the fun and laughter which i had for the past 4 mths with Karen, Nora, Brenda and even Mr Lim. :'( yesterday we were supposed to be having general revision where we have to clear our doubts. instead we sort-of had a farewell party! Nora bought sushi and doughnuts while Brenda bought chocolate cookies!! :) we used to have picnic during lessons where one of us will buy some food to share among the 4 of us!! anyway here're the pics which we took during the break time:

from top left clockwise: Brenda (the smart one), Me (the funny one), Nora (the shy one) and Karen (the siao one) :)the 2nd take!! I'M GOING TO MISS ALL OF YOU LOADS!! STAY IN TOUCH!! :)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
9:32 AM

last fri (8th Sep) - i went shopping with Joyceline!! i finally have the chance to go out with her. it've been eons since we last go out together!! :) i'm supposed to meet her at 10.30 @ Jurong Point. but she met me at 11.30 instead anyway i can't blame for her lateness cos that Oyster Girl is forever late! :P we took train to town and had wanton mee for lunch @ Heeren. we went to Takashimaya's fair and i bought name stickers which i've been hoping for ages! :) when we were having lunch at Heeren, guess who did i saw? i saw a senior of mine who i used to idolised alot during my Crescent days. it have been more than 3 yrs since i last seen her! i was shocked upon seeing her. fortunately she didn't see me otherwise i'll be speechless seriously!! :X afterwhich we window-shop ard Heeren as Joyceline was looking for her jacket. we went to Cineleisure where i finally got to buy my Ripples slippers! it's PINK in colour! we had dinner at Cafe Cartel and went shopping at Urban Warehouse where Joyceline finally managed to buy her BROWN jacket. i'll upload the pics which we've took after my dad came back frm his trip to China as he had brought the camera along with him. :'( alright! gtg now! i'm meeting Joyceline aka Oyster Girl @ KAP's Mac's later to study tgt! :)

these are what i bought on today!! :)

*the interior of Cineleisure's Cafe Cartel

doesn't Joyceline looks lyk a boy here? :)

this's what we ate @ Cafe Cartel! {we've no bucks left to eat main meals!} :P

having nothing better to do! :)
she's so HAPPY when she finally bought her BROWN jacket! :)

this is the result which you get when u spent tons of $ on landscaping for the IMF/World Bank

POOR JOYCELINE!! {got stranded in Cineleisure's Cheers!

do we look alike? :)

our lunch! {Heeren's Wanton Mee Noodles}

*THE VERY FAMOUS TAKA FOUNTAIN! (k, i'm trying to be lame here!)

*the top view of the Takashimaya fair

*poor little duck stranded in the sea of soft toys

*taken inside Jurong Point's toilet

Monday, September 11, 2006
12:36 PM

i just read the Yahoo! News that Japan's Princess Kiko finally gave birth to a boy at 8:27 a.m on Wed morning and weighed 5.64 pounds. The birth came minutes after Princess Kiko, 39, underwent a Caesarean section. The boy is the third in line to the throne, after Crown Prince Naruhito and Kiko's husband, Prince Akishino. WHOA!! i predicted it'll be a boy and it really is!! :) however the Japan's royals have yet to choose the baby's name and this is being seen as a tough task for them. they have to complete this task within a week which i seriously don't know why. :P anyway there's the top news i've just gotten from the Internet! hope the mother and son are healthy and happy!! :)
another news that had actually shocked me is the death of "Crocodile Hunter", Steve Irwin! i was so stunned when i heard that he actually got killed by a stingray!! when i watched the news on tv last night, i almost wanted to break into tears! i used to watch his shows on Discovery Channel! sigh! what a pity of his death!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
11:35 AM

yesterday (1 Sep) - i went job-hunting with Germaine & JiaHui. i was supposed to meet them at City Hall MRT station at 10.45 but i overslept. in the end i ended up going to Suntec to wait for them to finish their interview @ Carrefour. afterwhich we headed to Burger King for lunch b4 heading to Toa Payoh for Watsons' interview. when we reached the Community Centre, there was a long queue for the interview. there was people of all kinds. we saw this girl who was dressed up as though she's going for party afterwards and an old man who's dressed as though he had just woken up. anyway we spent the waiting time playing Bingo. JiaHui emerged the first followed by me and Germaine. i'm not sure whether i'd clinched the job but hopefully yes. anyway JiaHui & i decided to watch Click at Yishun at 6.55pm. so we chit-chat in Toa Payoh's KFC till 6.15pm. we talked abt going to Genting during the middle of Sep. this means that i'd have to start saving up for the trip. i've to save at least $200 for the trip itself. my mom isn't going to subsidy me for this trip as i'm working right now. :'( yesterday night when i went home to ask my mom, she said if i couldn't find a job, i'll be allowed to go. seriously i DON'T WANT to go to work cos it'll be tiring to be working and studying for LCCI at the same time. :( OH YAH! i forgot to comment on the movie CLICK which i watched with JiaHui. basically it's a romance comedy which star Adam Sandler as a family man who is given a magical gift -- a universal remote control that controls his universe, also starring Kate Beckinsale, Christopher Walken, and David Hasselhoff. towards the end of the movie, it was so touching that made JiaHui and i cried! i just couldn't control my tears from flowing out. the list of movies which i would lyk to watch if i've the money to permit me to do so: THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA, John Tucker Must Die, You, Me and Dupree and the list goes on!! :)

Saturday, September 02, 2006
4:46 PM