every year, today i'll always make fun of my brother for having birthday on the same day as those Western ghosts!! :) anyway he finally reached his 21 yrs old, which is the key to freedom! hope all his wishes come true and hurry up find a girlfriend! :p
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
9:42 AM
i seems to have gotten addicted to blogskins!!! i've changed my blogskin twice in a week!! but i can't help myself everytime i see a fabulous skin which i can't wait to try it out in my blog!! so if you always find yourself looking at a different blogskin and wondering if this is yuexin's blog, IT'S MY BLOG!! :) sorry for the inconvienence caused!
on Sat, reached home at ard 4 plus after a tiring day at work! but what's made me happy was that i've finally gotten my paycheck!! this's what i always look forward to at the end of the mth! :) when i reached home, mom was asking me to look at the pics which she've taken in China and comment on them. you noe, just by doing so, i've look through over 400 pics 5 times!! my mom's such a perfectionist! she kept insisted that the pics sent to my aunt must be the best of the best! i was lyk,"aiyoh! why are you so particular about these pics as though you're afraid that Aunt's going to sell those ugly ones to the press?" by the time i finished going thru the photos and selecting the pics which my mom wanted, 3 hrs had passed! maybe because of work, i ended up falling asleep on my bed at 7.30pm and guess what time did i woke up? 9.30 am!! so i've slept a total of 14 hrs!!! seriously i've yet to sleep for such a long time b4!!
on Sun, i spent most of the day finishing up my tutorials which are due this week. i just realised that my Eng Os is on the 8th Nov and that's on NEXT WED!!! oh gosh! time really flies man! not to mention that my LCCI exam is on the 23rd Nov and i've yet to get familarise with all the various accts. whenever i flipped through my LCCI notes, my head will start to spin! SIGH!! i just hope that when my exams finally come, my head won't start to spin the min i open up my exam booklet!
Monday, October 30, 2006
10:14 AM
MY MOM HAD FINALLY CAME BACK HOME AFTER 2 WEEKS IN CHINA!!! :) as usual she bought me 2 handbags and some other nitty gritty stuff. :) last night i was watching CSI Miami and New York all the way till 12 mid. last night's episode was the BEST i've ever watched!! it was actually a combination of both Miami and New York. CSI is one of my fav TV shows i've ever watched!! anyway i finally get down to my speech after watching tv. i spent nearly 3 HOURS on it!!! you must be thinking i was writing tons of words in my speech. but my speech only filled up 3/4 of the page! i was dead beat that i didn't even to bother rehearsing and just hit the sack straightway! Guess what? my mom came home at the point when i was going to bed! URGH!! she was busy telling me the stories and complaining about the ppl in her tour group. anyway it was nice of her to buy presents for me ONLY!! she didn't even buy a single thing for my brothers and dad cos she had no idea what they want. :)
today's speech was a disastrous experience for me!! i practically screwed up my whole entire speech that i was trembling lyk mad!!! i can't believe i was so nervous! i thought i was going to have a nervous breakdown in front of my class at the moment i presented my speech! i believe all these happened because I WASN'T EVEN PREPARED!!! i overexceed the time limit and i think my marks will go down because of that. :'( fortunately it's just a class work and not ICA otherwise i'll just burst into tears.
after sch, i headed to Lot 1 to meet Pei Ting to pass her the GP's notes which Elaine gave me. it've been EONS since we last met!! erm... the last time i met her was when we received our O levels results!! so that'll be almost more than 6 mths since i last seen her! we chatted quite alot during our dinner at LJS. {i seemed to be eating far too much fastfood ever since school term starts!!} anyway it was nice chatting once again with Pei Ting as we were once in so-called "Drop Literature" clique. i'm happy for her that she managed to get promoted to J2. CONGRATS, PEI TING!! :) hope i can go out with the rest of the 4S2 during the Dec hols and do some catch-up with them! MISS THEM LOADS MAN!!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
10:26 PM
i just arrived back home after having dinner with Germaine, Jiahui and Xuan Li at Plaza Singapura. we went searching for thumbdrive as Jiahui and Germaine need them by next Mon. in the end they didn't buy them cos the thumbdrives sold at Best Denki and Carrefour were rather expensive for them. fortunately mine is given free by my brother so i don't have to purchase one. :) anyway went to LJS for dinner with Jiahui and Xuan Li as Germaine had to have dinner at home. YEAH! tmr i don't have to go to sch cos it's Hari Raya's hols! but it doesn't sound lyk a holiday for me cos i still have to finish my speech by tmr!! sigh!
Monday, October 23, 2006
11:13 PM
i've decided to change my blogskin once again! this time, it's more simple and it's in
green! i spent the whole day practically slacking! i was supposed to get started with my introductory speech today and my tutorials. but i only managed to read through the notes on the web quiz which is due tmr. hopefully the quiz will have multiple choices qns for me to choose from! :) i'm a self-professed computer freak! who cares about the computer terms? sigh! hope i can score well in the quiz tmr! alrightey! got to go pack my bag and take a look at the notes b4 i hit the sack! cya! :)
Sunday, October 22, 2006
11:30 PM
2:29 AM
tomorrow i'd have to present an Informative speech and i'm not prepared for it. i've yet to do the outline and rehearse for it. i really should get these done b4 i sleep tonight. i was practically slacking and blog-hopping for the past 2 hrs without getting anything done!!! i wish the speech will be get rid and done of ASAP so that i dont have to suffer from this torture!! i HATE giving speeches which give me creeps and are nerve-racking!
other than the irritating speech, tmr is so-called the last day b4 the 2 weeks of term break STARTS!! i've been waiting for this day to finally arrive!! my bro said that he'll be getting a new CPU by the end of this week. hope what he said will be true otherwise i'll be maple-less for the 2 whole weeks!
alright, i better get moving on to my speech otherwise i won't be able to sleep today! cya peeps!!! :)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
11:21 PM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
11:21 PM

went out with joyceline to P.S on monday as she wants to get her shorts from Carrefour. in the end she didn't get it cos it's sold out. :( we went windowed shopping at P.S and Cineleisure. we didn't really do much cos we were BROKE!! :'(
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
12:50 PM
yesterday (3th oct) - i went to Chinatown with my mom to see the lightings! (: even though we didn't get the chance to go to Chinese Gardens to see the lanterns, the lightings in Chinatown is very beautiful!! we went up the overhead bridge where there were so many people up there! everyone was trying to take pictures with the scenery. what shocked me is there were China women {or i shld say prostitues} hooking up with ah pehs on the overhead bridge!! at first i didn't notice them at all but it was what my mom told me! i noticed this China woman who was dressed skimpily walking up to this particular ah peh and started a conversation with him. EEKS!! afterwards my mom told me that the ah pehs would say a price and if the woman said no, they will move on to the next one. THAT'S SO SICK!! is Chinatown going to be the next Geylang? i hope not! alright! i've took loads of pictures of the lightings! Enjoy! (:

top view taken from the overhead bridge! (:

oh gosh! my face is even bigger than the Chinese Lantern!


it's beautiful rite? :)


CHANG ER! she holding on to her rabbit! (:

i love this peacock! {so cute!}

nice rite? (:

my mom & i did the most crazy thing ever! we went to the middle of the road n took this!

the lanterns are actually hanging off the overhead bridge! cool right? (:
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
11:35 AM
every year, today i'll always make fun of my brother for having birthday on the same day as those Western ghosts!! :) anyway he finally reached his 21 yrs old, which is the key to freedom! hope all his wishes come true and hurry up find a girlfriend! :p
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
9:42 AM
i seems to have gotten addicted to blogskins!!! i've changed my blogskin twice in a week!! but i can't help myself everytime i see a fabulous skin which i can't wait to try it out in my blog!! so if you always find yourself looking at a different blogskin and wondering if this is yuexin's blog, IT'S MY BLOG!! :) sorry for the inconvienence caused!
on Sat, reached home at ard 4 plus after a tiring day at work! but what's made me happy was that i've finally gotten my paycheck!! this's what i always look forward to at the end of the mth! :) when i reached home, mom was asking me to look at the pics which she've taken in China and comment on them. you noe, just by doing so, i've look through over 400 pics 5 times!! my mom's such a perfectionist! she kept insisted that the pics sent to my aunt must be the best of the best! i was lyk,"aiyoh! why are you so particular about these pics as though you're afraid that Aunt's going to sell those ugly ones to the press?" by the time i finished going thru the photos and selecting the pics which my mom wanted, 3 hrs had passed! maybe because of work, i ended up falling asleep on my bed at 7.30pm and guess what time did i woke up? 9.30 am!! so i've slept a total of 14 hrs!!! seriously i've yet to sleep for such a long time b4!!
on Sun, i spent most of the day finishing up my tutorials which are due this week. i just realised that my Eng Os is on the 8th Nov and that's on NEXT WED!!! oh gosh! time really flies man! not to mention that my LCCI exam is on the 23rd Nov and i've yet to get familarise with all the various accts. whenever i flipped through my LCCI notes, my head will start to spin! SIGH!! i just hope that when my exams finally come, my head won't start to spin the min i open up my exam booklet!
Monday, October 30, 2006
10:14 AM
MY MOM HAD FINALLY CAME BACK HOME AFTER 2 WEEKS IN CHINA!!! :) as usual she bought me 2 handbags and some other nitty gritty stuff. :) last night i was watching CSI Miami and New York all the way till 12 mid. last night's episode was the BEST i've ever watched!! it was actually a combination of both Miami and New York. CSI is one of my fav TV shows i've ever watched!! anyway i finally get down to my speech after watching tv. i spent nearly 3 HOURS on it!!! you must be thinking i was writing tons of words in my speech. but my speech only filled up 3/4 of the page! i was dead beat that i didn't even to bother rehearsing and just hit the sack straightway! Guess what? my mom came home at the point when i was going to bed! URGH!! she was busy telling me the stories and complaining about the ppl in her tour group. anyway it was nice of her to buy presents for me ONLY!! she didn't even buy a single thing for my brothers and dad cos she had no idea what they want. :)
today's speech was a disastrous experience for me!! i practically screwed up my whole entire speech that i was trembling lyk mad!!! i can't believe i was so nervous! i thought i was going to have a nervous breakdown in front of my class at the moment i presented my speech! i believe all these happened because I WASN'T EVEN PREPARED!!! i overexceed the time limit and i think my marks will go down because of that. :'( fortunately it's just a class work and not ICA otherwise i'll just burst into tears.
after sch, i headed to Lot 1 to meet Pei Ting to pass her the GP's notes which Elaine gave me. it've been EONS since we last met!! erm... the last time i met her was when we received our O levels results!! so that'll be almost more than 6 mths since i last seen her! we chatted quite alot during our dinner at LJS. {i seemed to be eating far too much fastfood ever since school term starts!!} anyway it was nice chatting once again with Pei Ting as we were once in so-called "Drop Literature" clique. i'm happy for her that she managed to get promoted to J2. CONGRATS, PEI TING!! :) hope i can go out with the rest of the 4S2 during the Dec hols and do some catch-up with them! MISS THEM LOADS MAN!!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
10:26 PM
i just arrived back home after having dinner with Germaine, Jiahui and Xuan Li at Plaza Singapura. we went searching for thumbdrive as Jiahui and Germaine need them by next Mon. in the end they didn't buy them cos the thumbdrives sold at Best Denki and Carrefour were rather expensive for them. fortunately mine is given free by my brother so i don't have to purchase one. :) anyway went to LJS for dinner with Jiahui and Xuan Li as Germaine had to have dinner at home. YEAH! tmr i don't have to go to sch cos it's Hari Raya's hols! but it doesn't sound lyk a holiday for me cos i still have to finish my speech by tmr!! sigh!
Monday, October 23, 2006
11:13 PM
i've decided to change my blogskin once again! this time, it's more simple and it's in
green! i spent the whole day practically slacking! i was supposed to get started with my introductory speech today and my tutorials. but i only managed to read through the notes on the web quiz which is due tmr. hopefully the quiz will have multiple choices qns for me to choose from! :) i'm a self-professed computer freak! who cares about the computer terms? sigh! hope i can score well in the quiz tmr! alrightey! got to go pack my bag and take a look at the notes b4 i hit the sack! cya! :)
Sunday, October 22, 2006
11:30 PM
2:29 AM
tomorrow i'd have to present an Informative speech and i'm not prepared for it. i've yet to do the outline and rehearse for it. i really should get these done b4 i sleep tonight. i was practically slacking and blog-hopping for the past 2 hrs without getting anything done!!! i wish the speech will be get rid and done of ASAP so that i dont have to suffer from this torture!! i HATE giving speeches which give me creeps and are nerve-racking!
other than the irritating speech, tmr is so-called the last day b4 the 2 weeks of term break STARTS!! i've been waiting for this day to finally arrive!! my bro said that he'll be getting a new CPU by the end of this week. hope what he said will be true otherwise i'll be maple-less for the 2 whole weeks!
alright, i better get moving on to my speech otherwise i won't be able to sleep today! cya peeps!!! :)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
11:21 PM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
11:21 PM

went out with joyceline to P.S on monday as she wants to get her shorts from Carrefour. in the end she didn't get it cos it's sold out. :( we went windowed shopping at P.S and Cineleisure. we didn't really do much cos we were BROKE!! :'(
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
12:50 PM
yesterday (3th oct) - i went to Chinatown with my mom to see the lightings! (: even though we didn't get the chance to go to Chinese Gardens to see the lanterns, the lightings in Chinatown is very beautiful!! we went up the overhead bridge where there were so many people up there! everyone was trying to take pictures with the scenery. what shocked me is there were China women {or i shld say prostitues} hooking up with ah pehs on the overhead bridge!! at first i didn't notice them at all but it was what my mom told me! i noticed this China woman who was dressed skimpily walking up to this particular ah peh and started a conversation with him. EEKS!! afterwards my mom told me that the ah pehs would say a price and if the woman said no, they will move on to the next one. THAT'S SO SICK!! is Chinatown going to be the next Geylang? i hope not! alright! i've took loads of pictures of the lightings! Enjoy! (:

top view taken from the overhead bridge! (:

oh gosh! my face is even bigger than the Chinese Lantern!


it's beautiful rite? :)


CHANG ER! she holding on to her rabbit! (:

i love this peacock! {so cute!}

nice rite? (:

my mom & i did the most crazy thing ever! we went to the middle of the road n took this!

the lanterns are actually hanging off the overhead bridge! cool right? (:
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
11:35 AM