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one down, 3 more to go! :'( i feeling utterly stressed now! after finishing 1 ICA project, 3 more are shooting towards me already!! 2 of them are due this coming thurs and the very last one is next mon! URGH!! that's not all man! after all these nerve-racking ICAs projects, there'll be study week and followed by SEMESTRAL EXAMS!!! i just hope that end of feb will be arriving soon so that i can welcomed the mth of March with open arms!! :)
yesterday my brother introduced me a YouTube clip which so damn HILARIOUS MAN!! i was listening to it with my earpieces on and practically laughing off my chair that my mom was asking me why am i laughing lyk a mad woman to myself!!! do listen to it with full volume, it really help you to destress! :)

Sunday, January 28, 2007
8:32 PM

i FINALLY have the chance to blog aft sch had reopened!!! i'm using my brother's laptop without his permission, hope that he won't forbid me to use in the future. time seems to be racing through for the past 2 weeks. my life was filled with ICAs and pending projects to be done within weeks!!! projects themselves can really suck blood out of my life man!! i do;'nt noe why projects are SO IMPORTANT as compared to exams!! i find them very useless!!

for the past 2 days, i've been going home late! on thurs, i went out with Germaine & JieJie for dinner @ P.S. had BK with them! :) we chatted and laughed lyk crazy for almost 3 hrs at BK!

yesterday, i went back to sch to rehearse Macroecons with my grp members. i feel that my image will definitely be shattered aft Wed!!! i bet that aft Wed, i'd have to live my rest of my life with a paper bag over my head! :'( aftwhich went to Toa Payoh Hub with my mkting grp to take pics of Coca Cola, the weather is SO HOT that i can feel myself MELTING AWAY!!! met up with Germaine and ShiJun at Toa Payoh's BK b4 we headed for shopping. met up with Mike and Arwin b4 looking for JieJie's birthday present. we really had a hard time finding one for JieJie, finally we managed to get hers at Far East! :) GUESS WHO DID I MET IN TOWN? MR NG MENG HENG!!! i'll always remb this teacher who kept calling me XUE XIN!! i really dislike ppl calling that cos they either can't differentiate "Y" or "X" or just noe nuts abt hanyu pinyin! anyway i was queuing up at the atm machine when i suddenly realised that he was standing right in front of me! shijun left at ard 7 to attend a friend's party while the rest of us headed over to Mike's place for dinner.

i was blog-hopping earlier on and was browsing through my cousin's blog. found a pic so funny!!! my cousin replacing Rain's head with her funny face and changed his name with hers! i was practically laughing off my top when i saw this!! :D YOU BEST MAN, HUI SHIN!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007
9:26 PM

time really flies man!! school had started and i'm still in HOLIDAY mood!!! i really should buck up and get down to start my revision b4 the exams invade my life in end of Feb. the semestral exams are right after CNY which means i will not have the peace to enjoy my collecting of hongbaos!!! :( i didn't even have a chance to catch my breath b4 ICAs, projects and tutorials start popping out in my life!! Macroecons, Marketing and Persuasive Speech projects really can suck my blood man!!! they are either due end of this mth or mid of Feb! so i'll be going on a hiatus till i managed to squeeze out some time to update. :) HOPE EVERYONE ARE DOING WELL IN THEIR STUDIES/WORK! HOPEFULLY 2007 WILL BE A SMOOTH YEAR AHEAD! :D

Saturday, January 06, 2007
9:57 PM



personally i hope that 2007 will be a smooth year for me just lyk 2006. i'm pretty satisfied with how i've spent my 2006. time seems to have flown really fast in '06 that just in a wink of eye, we're welcoming the start of '07! WHOA!! this year i'm going to be celebrating my 18th birthday which means i'm legal enough to watch M18 movies, drink booze and drive!! but that do not means i'll start doing all those the min i turn 18 especialy for booze! i know drinking acoholic drinks too much is strictly bad for health. :) being 18 also means that i'll be more matured than the previous year!
i was blog-hopping earlier on and i saw this in WanXian's blog! these Cresent ear studs are just so CUTE!! i simply adore it so much!!! here is an excerpt which i copied frm her blog for those who're interested to get these: "for all the Crescentians out there, if you want to buy, tell me, or go to her shop at my links there, ESTHER'S SHOP, and tag her board SHE'LL MAKE IT FOR YOU LIKE THE MOMENT YOU CONFIRM YOUR ORDER. oh, SHE MAKES ANY KIND OF SCHOOL UNIFORM (but mostly its the more popular schools :D)!!! just name it and she'll try her best to make it!!" i've already made a request to have one done up for me! :)

Monday, January 01, 2007
1:41 AM