i just came back frm Arwin's place. i've finally learnt some techniques frm Mahjong!! this's my first time i've ever played mahjong, all thanks to Germaine, ShiJun, PJ and Arwin! i'm still need loads of practice from all of you!! i'll be looking forward to the next mahjonging session with you guys!! :)
i'm so looking forward to Tues's outing to HuiQi's hse! hope it'll turn out successful!! :)
Sunday, April 29, 2007
11:01 PM
i spent the time aft my lunch at my workstation earlier on in sch, blog-hopping! reading practically everyone's blog i noe of. i stumbled onto WanXian's blog and read that she misses Crescent people and frm others' blogs as well!! ME TOO!! i miss Crescent truckloads man!! (: i miss the fun and craziness we used to have during our 4 years tgt even though i don't noe everyone very well as i'm pretty quiet in sch. i simply miss the all girls' sch excitement!!! ever since i've stepped into poly, i've encountered loads of things which i'd not have experienced in Crescent. in the times during Crescent, i miss the loud greetings which fellow Cresentians always gave each other when they see each other in the morning. they'll shout each other's names as though the entire sch compound can hear and they will hug each other! now in poly if anyone ever do that in poly, others may think these ppl are crazy! i still remb that everyone's birthday will be celebrated by singing a Crescent style b'dae song to her! this is being passed down year by year frm the seniors to the juniors. usually during recess, i'll always hear Crescentians singing Crescent style b'dae song to the b'dae girl in the sch canteen. SIGH!! :o( time really flies man, right now i'm already in Year 2 while most of my classmates frm Crescent are already in their Year 2 in JC, facing their major exams in months to come! in next yr, they'll be enrolling in their dream local Universities or even going abroad for further studies! till then, i'll lost contact with most of them. I'LL NEVER FORGET THE CRESCENT SPIRIT WE USED TO HAVE DURING OUR CRESCENT DAYS!! MAY CRESCENT REMAINS IN OUR HEARTS!! (:
Friday, April 27, 2007
9:06 PM
20th Apr(Fri) - Celebrated Charlene's 18th B'dae at Dhoby Ghaut's Fish & Co with HuiQi & Joyceline. ShanShan wasn't able to make for the dinner as she wasn't feeling well. We had a great time having dinner at Fish & Co. the food was fanbulous, the best i've ever ate especially their specialty dish, Fish n Chips! i'll definitely make another trip there in no time!! the four of us were busy taking pics of one another that we didn't even realised the waiter was standing beside us, waiting for us to stop taking pics!! OOPS!! :D we really didn't mean to let her wait intentionally! anyway the food and service over there were fantastic! just as we are digging eagerly into our long-awaited food, we overheard the neighbouring table's ppl are having a mini b'dae party. the birthday guy was being told by the manager to stand on the chair, wearing this really funny hat! if i was him, i'll definitely dig a hold immediately and hide myself in there!! everyone in the restaurant were singing b'dae song for the 'unlucky' b'dae guy!! he'll definitely remb this day forever! Charlie's grandpa and parents gave her a Forever Friends cushion which she seems to love it! she couldn't wait to see her present that she rip apart the wrapper in the middle of our meal! Glad that she's happy with what we've given her! i was still worried at the beginning that she won't lyk it! we stayed at the restaurant till 9 b4 HuiQi had to make a move! but the 3 of us still thought that the night was still early so we started camwhoring outside the restaurant! as usual being the bad photograhers, 3 of us had a real hard time taking pics!! in the end, our Charlie thought of a innovative idea of posing the camera!! ~shall not mention over here! :)
talking back to sch's TEP: life has been going monotonously ever since sch started! last week, i was busy with Club Crawl event even though i've to handle my TEP workload at the same time! but fortunately i managed to survive though the week! today i've to go for CSC Blood Donation Roadshow in the middle of the day, luckily i managed to finish my work in the morning! alright i'll update more till the next time!! cya everybody!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
9:23 PM
i've decided to return back to blogger as i'm not used to livejournal! i miss changing my template whenever i want! (:
anyway i've finally got a new CPU so i get to have a pc all by myself!! YIPPEE! :o)
sch term had officially started today even though last wed to fri, i've to go back to sch for training! i'll be having TEP for this semester. this semester will include 2 stopovers(18 wks in total!), 4 weeks of study and 4 weeks of break. my 1st stopover is to work at the sch's Customer Service Call Center! i'll be in charge of handling phone calls on behalf of Singapore Sports Council; dealing with daily and monthly attendance and Quality Control of phone calls! in other words, i'm overloaded with loads to tasks to be done b4 the end of the day! today i've to rush everything lyk a madwoman, hopefully by the end of the week, i'll be able to handle all the tasks smoothly! :)
Monday, April 16, 2007
8:03 PM
i just came back frm Arwin's place. i've finally learnt some techniques frm Mahjong!! this's my first time i've ever played mahjong, all thanks to Germaine, ShiJun, PJ and Arwin! i'm still need loads of practice from all of you!! i'll be looking forward to the next mahjonging session with you guys!! :)
i'm so looking forward to Tues's outing to HuiQi's hse! hope it'll turn out successful!! :)
Sunday, April 29, 2007
11:01 PM
i spent the time aft my lunch at my workstation earlier on in sch, blog-hopping! reading practically everyone's blog i noe of. i stumbled onto WanXian's blog and read that she misses Crescent people and frm others' blogs as well!! ME TOO!! i miss Crescent truckloads man!! (: i miss the fun and craziness we used to have during our 4 years tgt even though i don't noe everyone very well as i'm pretty quiet in sch. i simply miss the all girls' sch excitement!!! ever since i've stepped into poly, i've encountered loads of things which i'd not have experienced in Crescent. in the times during Crescent, i miss the loud greetings which fellow Cresentians always gave each other when they see each other in the morning. they'll shout each other's names as though the entire sch compound can hear and they will hug each other! now in poly if anyone ever do that in poly, others may think these ppl are crazy! i still remb that everyone's birthday will be celebrated by singing a Crescent style b'dae song to her! this is being passed down year by year frm the seniors to the juniors. usually during recess, i'll always hear Crescentians singing Crescent style b'dae song to the b'dae girl in the sch canteen. SIGH!! :o( time really flies man, right now i'm already in Year 2 while most of my classmates frm Crescent are already in their Year 2 in JC, facing their major exams in months to come! in next yr, they'll be enrolling in their dream local Universities or even going abroad for further studies! till then, i'll lost contact with most of them. I'LL NEVER FORGET THE CRESCENT SPIRIT WE USED TO HAVE DURING OUR CRESCENT DAYS!! MAY CRESCENT REMAINS IN OUR HEARTS!! (:
Friday, April 27, 2007
9:06 PM
20th Apr(Fri) - Celebrated Charlene's 18th B'dae at Dhoby Ghaut's Fish & Co with HuiQi & Joyceline. ShanShan wasn't able to make for the dinner as she wasn't feeling well. We had a great time having dinner at Fish & Co. the food was fanbulous, the best i've ever ate especially their specialty dish, Fish n Chips! i'll definitely make another trip there in no time!! the four of us were busy taking pics of one another that we didn't even realised the waiter was standing beside us, waiting for us to stop taking pics!! OOPS!! :D we really didn't mean to let her wait intentionally! anyway the food and service over there were fantastic! just as we are digging eagerly into our long-awaited food, we overheard the neighbouring table's ppl are having a mini b'dae party. the birthday guy was being told by the manager to stand on the chair, wearing this really funny hat! if i was him, i'll definitely dig a hold immediately and hide myself in there!! everyone in the restaurant were singing b'dae song for the 'unlucky' b'dae guy!! he'll definitely remb this day forever! Charlie's grandpa and parents gave her a Forever Friends cushion which she seems to love it! she couldn't wait to see her present that she rip apart the wrapper in the middle of our meal! Glad that she's happy with what we've given her! i was still worried at the beginning that she won't lyk it! we stayed at the restaurant till 9 b4 HuiQi had to make a move! but the 3 of us still thought that the night was still early so we started camwhoring outside the restaurant! as usual being the bad photograhers, 3 of us had a real hard time taking pics!! in the end, our Charlie thought of a innovative idea of posing the camera!! ~shall not mention over here! :)
talking back to sch's TEP: life has been going monotonously ever since sch started! last week, i was busy with Club Crawl event even though i've to handle my TEP workload at the same time! but fortunately i managed to survive though the week! today i've to go for CSC Blood Donation Roadshow in the middle of the day, luckily i managed to finish my work in the morning! alright i'll update more till the next time!! cya everybody!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
9:23 PM
i've decided to return back to blogger as i'm not used to livejournal! i miss changing my template whenever i want! (:
anyway i've finally got a new CPU so i get to have a pc all by myself!! YIPPEE! :o)
sch term had officially started today even though last wed to fri, i've to go back to sch for training! i'll be having TEP for this semester. this semester will include 2 stopovers(18 wks in total!), 4 weeks of study and 4 weeks of break. my 1st stopover is to work at the sch's Customer Service Call Center! i'll be in charge of handling phone calls on behalf of Singapore Sports Council; dealing with daily and monthly attendance and Quality Control of phone calls! in other words, i'm overloaded with loads to tasks to be done b4 the end of the day! today i've to rush everything lyk a madwoman, hopefully by the end of the week, i'll be able to handle all the tasks smoothly! :)
Monday, April 16, 2007
8:03 PM