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HELLO! I'm Back! I've been sick since the first week of classicals. :( i lost my voice on fri, i've to strained my voice so as to speak. in the end, on sat i forced myself to go to work, had a really bad day at it. i've to keep running to the toilet to clear my throat and nose, my Boss was quite pissed with me for 'abandoning' her.

Catched {Hairspray} with Maine, ShiJun, JieJie, Yasser and Arwin at GV Marina on fri night. this Broadway musical turned into movie is so worth seeing! the songs and the dance routines are amazing as well! it was a good worth of 2 hr entertainment! But of course, it's more than just singing and dancing (I shan't be a spoiler, go watch it for yourselves!) I'm so addicted with the songs that i'm playing them again and again!
yesterday was OYSTER HAN's b'dae! i actually gave her a surprise when i turned up with a b'dae cake at Westmall's Macs where she and hq supposed to be studying at. at least our plan was successful! :) Oyster! hope you like the little gifts i gave you! :)

Monday, August 27, 2007
11:44 AM

I HAD CRAVING FOR DONUTS TODAY!! so i ended up leaving school early. i decided to try out Missy Donut which is located at Bukit Panjang Plaza. it's only 1 stop away from my hse but i'm always so lazy to get the donuts frm that shop! so today i've made the effort to get some for myself and my brother!! :) overall the donuts tasted so-so but it's slightly smaller than the ones in Donut Factory. but for those who wanted to try replicas of Donut Factory, can try the donuts sold at Missy Donut. i find that the favours sold there are pretty similar as D.F.

the website shown on the box is still under construction! :P

as compared to Donut Factory, the donuts are much smaller!! (but it's worth to try them out if you don't want to queue for long!)

earlier on i catched Ayumi's latest single {Glitter} & {Fated} MV! it features Shawn Yue in it!! I LOVE THE MV LOADS MAN!! Ayumi filmed the MV in Hong Kong and personally chose Shawn Yue for this MV. at first she had to choose between Shawn Yue and Edison Chen, but Edison seems to look too young for her. {Fated} is a sequel of what happened in . i decided to post both videos below, to let you enjoy!

GLITTER by Ayumi Hamasaki

FATED by Ayumi Hamasaki

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
8:13 PM

early in the morning, i got into a big quarrel with my mom over trivial matter. in the end, i went for mystery shopping in a foul mood! when i was going to cross the overhead bridge to reach the outlet, i saw this old man standing against the handlebars of the bridge using his walking pole. at first i wanted to ignore him as i only left with an hr to finish my mystery shopping, but he called out to me. at that point of time, i was thinking, 'Uncle! Why do you have to choose such a point of time to ask for help? I'm in a hurry to finish my mystery shopping!!' but i saw his pathetic-looking face which seems to be pleading me for help. he started nagging that the social worker should be sending him to a nursing home in Yishun for his physiotherapy but the S.W didn't turn up and he had lost his way! OH GOSH!! now i'm in deep trouble man!! guess i'd have to send him to the destination he want! i ended up standing at the bottom of the overhead bridge for 10 mins listening to him, telling about how he got into an accident 2 yrs ago and went for a lawsuit to get his compensation, etc... URGH! i almost wanted to interrupt into his tragic story but he looked so poor thing to me. in the end, i offered to help him hail a taxi to get him to his destination. GUESS WHAT? he told me that he've no money to pay for cab fare which is going to cost $14.30 (according to what he told me). i realised that he must be hinting to me to pay for his cabfare instead! so i offered to give him 10 bucks to subsidise his cabfare. seriously right now, when i think back, i seem to be quite foolish to give him the money. What if he's a conman? SIGH! to console myself, i just treat it as though i'm doing something charitable then. maybe i'm just thinking too much, he could be really in need of the money even though he offered to return me the money the next day.
in the end, i only had time to do one outlet instead of two. so i've to end up doing the remaining one in the evening. before going for mystery shopping in the evening, i went to West Mall to get muffins for my mom to compensate for my rudeness in the morning. fortunately Mom wasn't angry with me anymore when she came back home later in the day. we even get to have the time to watch the 7pm Korean drama tgt. it've been a long long time since we last sat down and watch drama tgt. normally she'll only watch tv for news from 9pm all the way to 11pm before she hit the sack. for the first time in the history, my mom actually watched korean drama!! she used to comment that korean dramas are so draggy which can be almost comparable to taiwanese soap operas. now she actually said that korean dramas are touchy and really touch the audience's hearts.
♥ "But the thing is, it’s hard to let go of that fairy tale entirely, because almost everyone has that smallest bit of faith and hope that one day they would open their eyes and it would all come true. At the end of the day, faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don’t really expect it. It’s like one day you realize that the fairy tale is slightly different than your dream. The castle, well it may not be a castle. And it’s not so important that it’s happily ever after -- just that it’s happy right now. See, once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you. And once in awhile, people may even take your breath away."

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
10:16 PM

12:04 AM