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Oh no! I've fallen sick AGAIN! sigh! :( my nose is blocked like a clogged toilet bowl!

Yesterday afternoon, I went back to sch with Maine, ShiJun & JiaHui for LeeHom's Campus Concert. We ended up waiting for one hr just to get inside the auditorium. When we finally got into the auditiorium, it was packed with fans, NYP students and as well as sec schools students.

the 4 of us again! (the foursome from Genting trip!)

After the concert which only lasted for half an hr with LeeHom singing only 2 songs from his latest album, we headed to AMK Hub for dinner. We didn't idled around the mall too long as ShiJun needed to give tuition! On our way back home with ShiJun, we were busily discussing abt our FAVE TV SHOW, HEROES!! guess she got addicted to watching it like I do! the last time when i watched HEROES Season 1, i spent ard 5 days watching over 20 episodes.

Now the long-awaited HEROES Season 2 is finally here! this week is the 1st episode shown on air and there's more to come. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE ENTIRE SEASON TO BE FINISHED so i can watch it at one go! :) Ugly Betty Season 2 and CSI latest Season are up as well, i get to watch all these, all thanks for my elder bro! THANKS, FATTY BON BON! :D

I went to this website by Elaine's recommendation. This particular artist, Manda loves Panda as well!! I LOVE HER DRAWINGS which have a unique sense of style! She's the artist who drew the mural at the linkway which leads to Marina Square GV and the bowling alley.

Saturday, September 29, 2007
8:38 PM


I went for Shirlyn Tan's Lunchtime Concert @ The Esplanade with Elaine, JiaHui, ShiJun, Germaine & Yasser early in afternoon! There's only one word to describe, 'AWESOME'!! We were sitting at the 2nd row from the front and we could even see the singer's nose's hair! {just kidding!} Pity that there's no video recording and photography allowed in the Esplanade otherwise I'll definitely record all the songs she sang into my hp! Go check out her official website where you can listen to the tracks http://www.shirlyntan.com/! The concert lasted very fast but overall it was a good 1/2 hr of great music! Afterwhich we headed to the roof terrace, the weather was scorching hot man!!! I could feel myself melting away! We took several pics before heading back to the cooling aircon environment in Esplanade!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
11:39 PM

9:09 AM

Alright! I'm back to update more on my Genting trip with Maine, ShiJun & JiaHui!

On the first day (19th Sept) - We departed from Golden Mile at 7am. I had to wake up at 4.30am in order to reach there on time. We spent the entire journey sleeping, eating and chatting away! We finally reached our destination by 2.

There's so many people waiting to be checking in!

Does it reminds you of our Polyclinics where we dread for our turn to be served?

The 2nd day, we spent almost the entire day at the theme park. Even though the place was very foggy in the morning and some of the rides are down, but we managed to try out the rest of the rides! We even tried the most exciting thrill ride, Spaceshot which can been seen from the 2nd pic on the left. You can feel that you're been lifted from your seat when it shot down in secs! My heart almost wanted to leap out of my mouth at that very moment. Just as we were about to start our ride, the person-in-charge told us that an old man from Mumbai died from heart attack aft this Spaceshot ride. OH GOSH!! Guess old people and those with heart dieases shouldn't try this ride!! We tried out their very own Ferris Wheel and we got to see the entire theme park.

Toward the end of the day, we decided to try out the Superman Flying Coaster! I love this ride the most!! I can imagine being a Superman flying up and down!! We even have our pic taken when we were 'flying'! I looked so different without my glasses!! Check out the pic on the 2nd row, the 3rd pic!

We decided to try out the indoor theme park after our dinner at Kenny Rogers. The food was fantastic except of some errors which the waiter had made. He served us 1/4 chicken when we actually ordered 1/2 chicken (you can see the additional 1/4 chicken being served on another small plate)

Good times alway go by at the wink of an eye! The 3 days on Genting Highlands whizzed past just like that!! We spent our very last day, packing our bags, having breakfast at the Noodle House, followed by last min shopping at the mall before we headed back to our hotel to check out. We chilled out at Starbucks till it was time for us to get onto our bus.

Lastly I'd like to thank the 3 of you for the great trip we had for the past 3 days! We had loads of fun even though we had a 'shockful' day on the 2nd day but everything turned out alright! :) Like what ShiJun had said, something wrong will happen when everything turns out smoothly! Anyway we managed to return back to Singapore safe and sound, I shall keep all these wonderful memories we shared tgt in my heart forever!! :D

Monday, September 24, 2007
3:42 PM

I just reached Singapore at ard 9pm after a LONG trip from Genting! it was almost 7 hrs worth of bus ride which was filled with sleep and more sleep! :D I'll be updating with more pics and more hilarious stories which happened during the trip! Shall head the sack now as I still have to work tmr morning! SIGH!! till then, ENJOY YOUR HOLS!! :D

Saturday, September 22, 2007
12:03 AM

TODAY'S C.S Presentation & Role Play!
I'm not sure if my grp and I screwed the thing up but IT'S FINALLY OVER!! I didn't make the effort to memorise all the nitty gritty of the notes I've made last night, partly it's becos C.S. is much easier than P.M (which is more theortical). Hopefully tomorrow's P.M's presentation will be a smooth one without any errors! :D
I'll be officially away from S'pore from Wed Morning till Fri Night! OH GOSH!! I can't wait for the trip to come asap!! This time round, I'll be going overseas with my beloved friends without my parents! Actually I only confirmed with Maine on Sun night that I'm going with them cos I initially thought that my mom'll not allow me to go abroad all by myself. But to my surprise, she actually agreed without any hesitation! She said that I should start to save up more bucks so that I can go to my desired countries in the future. Last night, I was on msn with the other 3 and we were discussing abt our checklist and what to bring, etc. Anyway tmr aft my presentation, I'd have to rush down to Bugis to meet up with them as we're planning to go and pray for a smooth trip at the temple. tmr night at this point of time, i shall be busy packing my bag for the trip and crossing out the items to be brought on my checklist! till then, hope everyone do well for their upcoming presentations!! JIAYOU! :]

Monday, September 17, 2007
9:28 PM

I DID! this morning when I was still sleeping on my bed, i suddenly felt my bed shaking! at first I was thinking, "Am I imagining things?" My bed kept shaking for 2 mins or so before everything went back to normal. The next thing I knew, I switched on the radio for any news about the earthquake in Indonesia. Guess what! The whole Singapore could feel the tremors as well, not only me! This's the first time in my 18 yrs of life, I've ever felt temors frm an earthquake. :P Anyway thinking of earthquakes, a question popped up in my mind, 'What if one day S'pore has an earthquake as well? Are we as Singaporean are fully prepared for it?' Seriously I doubt so, I guess majority of the Singaporeans have no idea what to do when an earthquake comes.
yesterday, my computer decided to have a riot with me! it crashed when I wanted to download MS Office 2003. WHAT A BANANA COMPUTER!! I was in the midst of doing my projects when it refused to switch on! URGH! in the end, I have to use my brother's laptop instead. Being a ultimate sotong, I didn't back up my documents in my computer so all my hard work were being flushed down the toilet bowl! right now, I feel like shouting 'BANANA' at the top of my voice! I've to redo my projects from the scratch. hope I can finish it by the end of the day otherwise I'll be in dead meat!

Thursday, September 13, 2007
9:05 AM

OH GOSH!! i can't believe Zahara's carrying Valentino's purse as well!! Why will a 2 yr-old be carrying such an expensive bag? Angelina Jolie and her daughter were spotted carrying Valentino Braided Shoulder Bag while in NYC. The only difference in Zahara carried is a mini-version. If you ask me, you will not find this mini-version in stores, it may very well be one of a kind made solely for little Zahara. All I can say is lucky girl! :)

Anyway I was browsing through my sec-school friends' blogs earlier on, got some pics from YunXuan who had went back to Crescent on Teachers' Day. Seriously I really miss the times I've studied in school, even though i've yet to go back ever since i went back for my 'O' levels results.

the linkway which leads to the library where I've spent lots of time studying in.

Whoa!! this waterfall used to look so ugly as compared to now! :)

the way which leads to the foyer of the school.

the corner by the canteen where my clique & I used to have our breaks & lunches!

the place where i used to have consultations with the teachers right before prelims and 'O's

Remember the times where I've to spent climbing the horrendous staircases in this Rotunda!

Monday, September 10, 2007
9:53 AM

FINALLY THIS WEEK'S ICAs ARE OVER!! :) Time to take a short break b4 starting to do the next upcoming 2 ICA projects! There'll be no lessons next week so that we can concentrate on finishing up our ICAs projects! :)
earlier on in the day, did ICA role play on C.S. in my opinion, i'd rather prefer role plays than presentations. I don't feel so stressed up and nervous during role play as compared to presentations.
I just found out from Yahoo! News that Italian tenor Pavarotti had died from pancreatic cancer this morning! I didn't realise that he's already 71 yrs old!! I've seen one of his concert on tv before and it was fabulous!! I always remember his charcoal black beard and tuxedos! :)

Thursday, September 06, 2007
2:24 PM

I haven't been updating my blog for a week or so. I've been busy with ICAs in school. SIGH!! but i feel that it's still better than other 2 stopovers. :) I don't have to lead a life which starts from 8.30am to 5.30am, 5 days in a week. that's way too boring!! At least for Classicals, I get to sleep in late for afternoon's lessons and go home early for morning lessons!

On Monday (3th Sept) - Went to AMK Hub to catch Ratatouille with Maine, Shijun, HuiTing, Yasser, Jean. IT'S A FANTASTIC MOVIE which is all about a little rat! :P the fact which a rat can whip up so many delicious dishes, really amazed me. Anyone Can Cook! :) Go Catch It if you have't yet to!! It's a Must-Watch Cartoon Movie during this Sept hols!! :) after the movie, went to Pizza Hut for dinner, had the Cheese Fondue pizza. OH YAH!! I found this shop {Artbox} at AMK Hub and it sells lots of Panda-Inspired items (e.g. stationeries, alarm clock, bags, even socks!) I was so fascinated by the shop that i spent so much time in it and ended up getting scolded by other ppl! :( but i managed to get some things from that shop and i'm going back to get more when time permits me to do so!! last night, i received a msg from Elaine saying that she saw a lady carrying a Panda tote bag with bamboo shoots as its zip!! She even made the effort to ask that lady where did she get it from. THANKS ELAINE!! YOU'RE SUCH A KIND SOUL!! i'm going to check the bag out at Far East if i go to town next time! :)

I managed to grab the pics taken on the BSU outing (19th Aug) from Ah Long, it've been quite some time already. But it's no harm sharing these pics to you all! :) ENJOY!! BSU mates, hope we've another outing soon, mostly likely aft our classicals, k? GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR ICAs, people!! :)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007
10:27 PM