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YEAH!! Finally an outing with my sec school friends today!! Thanks for making today so fun-filled, Joyceline the Oyster & HuiQi! We went to Mind Cafe in the afternoon even though we reached there at around 2.30pm but we still had loads of fun!! :) Hopefully we can go there more often in the future

The 3 Sotongs excluding ShanShan!

HuiQi: Hope you have a safe and smooth trip to and back from Tibet!! Remb to show us the pics after you get back! :)

After the trip to Mind Cafe, HuiQi went off to have her yogurt-making lesson while Joyceline & I went and window-shopping at P.S and The Cathay. It's been a long long time since I last went out with them, really miss them alot! Anyway I saw this drawing in this particular shop in The Cathay, I find the pic very unique in the sense that it's neither a girl or a animal with 2 horns! LOL!

We took this while on our way back home! :)

Alright, it's Ayu's time! shall share with you her latest single, {Together When...}. ENJOY!

Friday, November 30, 2007
11:51 PM

Oh shucks! My cough is getting from bad to worse! this is the worst cough I ever get since ages! I've been coughing non-stop as though I'm having tubercolorsis. :( Since I dislike the horrid taste of coughing mixture, I didn't go see a doc.
In the afternoon at around 3 plus, we went for the security talk which actually should be called the N.S talk. Overall this particular talk should be catered solely for guys. The speakers actually spent most of the time talking about what they exactly do during BMT. What does it got to do with girls unless the girls are SO interested to sign on? LOL! We ended up taking pics during the talk. :)

I love this Ayu picture loads!! She's actually pointing middle finger! This pic was taken during 2001 MTV Awards in Singapore! It's my current hp wallpaper! :)

Thursday, November 29, 2007
12:02 AM


I finally made a trip to the hairdresser @ Kovan after my work. by the time i reached home, it was almost 7.30pm. today's work was super tiring. I worked all the way from 8.30am till 3.30pm without having my breakfast and lunch. My stomach was growling so loudly that I think the patients heard the sounds!! :P Straight after work, I hurriedly rushed down to grab some food before heading down to Kovan to have my haircut. Fortunately I didn't have to wait too long before it was my turn to have my haircut.

'OH GOSH!! i look like a boy!'

Below is my current desktop background!! A member in Ayumi-Hamasaki.Net done up for me and I'M LOVIN' IT!! :)

Saturday, November 24, 2007
11:45 PM

i've changed my blogskin! I got sick and tired of staring at the same old skin for the past few mths! :) I love this current skin! But after I've changed, I realised that I've the same blogskin as my friend's! I decided not to change it as there must be others who're using the exact skin.

I've fallen sick AGAIN! I'm having a bad cough with phlegm clotting in my throat. SIGH! since i don't want to waste money to go see a doc, I decided to drink tons and tons of water to get rid of the horrendous phlegm! recently i saw on the news, there's a Taiwanese girl who drink 7 litres of water every day and ended up being blind!! OH GOSH!! It's the first time I ever heard of someone getting poisoned just by drinking water! everyone must take care of their health and don't fall sick like me!

I decided to post an Ayu picture at every of my entry from now on till I run out of her pics! These are Ayupans of her Asia Tour 2007. They look so adorable that I want to grab them all! :)

Thursday, November 22, 2007
10:04 AM


I decided to donate my blood since I couldn't do so during the previous B.D.D in April as I had yet to get my parent's consent. Firstly I had to fill up a confidentiality form before registering at the nurse station. As today was the last day of B.D.D, there were very few people donating blood. After the doctor's checkup, I headed to the station where the doctor will get a sample of my blood to check the sugar level. In my opinion, I think that's the most painful stage during the blood donation. The nurse will pierce your middle finger with a needle after dabbing your finger with some alcohol. She will then squeeze out blood and transfer to a small tube before dipping it into a beaker of bluey liquid. The pain was as though someone pricked your finger with a needle. Finally it was blood donation time! The nurse had to first check whether the vein is visible. However my left arm's one of the vein is very slanted so the nurse advised me to use my right arm instead. I kept asking questions to the nurse (e.g. is it painful? how long it'll take? is she going to pierce my skin with the needle now?) Fortunately the nurse was very kind and answered all my silly questions. Seriously the process when you're donating blood is not PAINFUL at all!!! I didn't even feel the needle poking into my skin. It took around 4-5 mins before my blood filled up the whole bag and i'm done with my blood donation!! :) Liyana helped me took some pics during the donation! I'll definitely donate my blood when the next B.D.D comes to NYP again! :)

YEAH! I've finished donating my blood!! :)

during the blood donation process!

I was so happy as my blood had filled up the bag already! (the blood bag can be seen below the table where I placed my arm)

the blood donation area (the lady right in front is the one who helped me poke the needle!)

YEAH! It's the last day of B.D.D!! :)

We were feeling bored when we were manning the refreshments counter. We ended up drinking packets and packets of Milo instead :P

Post-It Notes, Certificate, the Pump, Iron tablets, Thank You notes (what I've gotten after the donation)

My blue bandage! :)

Friday, November 16, 2007
6:22 PM

Ayumi's latest Single "Together When..." is coming out on Dec 5 as a digital single which means that her latest single can't be bought from music stores but it can be bought online (e.g. I-tunes). Below is her cover which reminds me of a tired housewife who had a hard day at home scrubbing toilets and dusting ornaments. It's probably the lacey head thing she's wearing though. LOL! :)

P.S: I just realised that all my previous entries are made on Wednesdays! LOL!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
8:28 PM

I went to Grand Cathay for movie with Maine and JiaHui after school yesterday. We caught {The Game Plan} which stars Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Madison Pettis and Roselyn Sanchez (she looks like a combination of PCD's Nicole and Sandra Bullock!). GO CATCH THE MOVIE if you want to get loads of laughter out of it! I ended up laughing like crazy throughout the whole show! :D I LOVE SPIKE!! WOOF WOOF!! :)
TEP results is finally out today!! I scored A for the 2 stopovers (CSC and BSU) surprisingly! LOL! i expected a B as I didn't contribute much during the days in BSU. But overall TEP pull up my accumulated GPA which makes me overjoyed!! :D It's a good motivation for me to work even harder in this semester so as to strive for even better results!! :) Hopefully I can get into SMU after graduation! :) JIAYOU!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
12:01 AM