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I'll be back in indefinite period of time. I'll be using LiveJournal at the moment. TAKE CARE EVERYONE! :)

Monday, February 25, 2008
11:50 PM

Tomorrow will marked the 3rd week of IPP! This means that there's 8 more weeks to go. On Fri, my Boss gave me a project to be done by next week. I've to analyse the results from the surveys which I took last Mon and Tues followed by typing up a complete set of reports for my Boss's approval. Sigh! Why is my work getting so difficult? Last Thurs, I finally got to meet up with my sec school/pri school friend, Vania for dinner after work. It've been almost 2 years since we last seen each other even though she only live one bus-stop away. LOL! We had a nice long chat over dinner @ Orchard Cineleisure's Billy Bombers. Hopefully we can catch up real soon! :) The following day after work (again!), I travelled all the way to Changi Airport T3 to have dinner with Germaine, JiaHui & HuiTing. The journey took me almost more than an hr. I almost fainted of hunger when I reached the interchange. LOL!

Sunday, February 24, 2008
10:15 PM

I've finally overcame the tormenting 2 days of doing traffic survey! Basically I've to wake up at 5am in order to reach Raffles Hospital (the meeting point to start the survey) by 6.45am. Afterwhich my colleague and I had to travel from Beach Road to Fort Canning Tunnel as well as from Temesek Ave (where Marina Square is located) to Fort Canning Tunnel. We've to go through these 2 routes 64 times in both days. Guess what, I've to spent 8 hrs a day sitting in the cab doing this survey! This's the longest time I ever spent on a cab, I guess none of you have spent that no. of hrs in a cab. LOL! But if I'd have to choose between doing traffic surveys and working in the office, I'd rather choose the first one. Our taxi fare for these 2 days cost more than 1 month of my salary. It was a whopping 577 bucks including 77 bucks for ERP charges. Sigh! I'd have to go back to the office and continue working on Thurs. I've to continue revamping the company website with all the horrendous-looking HTML codes.
On Monday, went and met up with the girls for dinner @ Marina Square after spending the whole day on traffic surveys. Guess what? We dined at Thai Express again! Dining @ Thai Express twice in 3 days. LOL! We chatted around over dinner before heading home as I still had to wake up at 5am the next day for the stupid surveys.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
10:42 PM

I was super shagged after work today. I only slept for about 5 hrs last night before heading for work. I almost fall asleep during work, can't stand my Boss talking so much with the patients! LOL! During work, I witnessed for the first time ever that my Boss cried. This is actually what happened that made my Boss cried during work: There was a 15 yr-old boy who schooled at the same boys' school as my Boss's sons. He commited suicide by jumping off the building with his mom's witness on Tues. I couldn't imagine the trauma this boy's mom has when she witnessed her own son jumping off the building right before her very eyes. From what I heard from my Boss, this boy was suffering from depression and actually told his friends that he wanted to commit suicide. But unfortunately his friends took what he said as a harmless joke. I seems to feel that God is unfair at times. In this world, there're people who don't cherish their life and simply ended their life just by committing suicide. On the other hand, there are people whose life are being taken away as though they are granted 'life sentences'. So before we can regret, let's cherish our precious lives and loved ones as we are unable to predict what's going to happen the next min.

JiaHui & I lunching at Thai Express!

On a lighter note, I headed to P.S. to meet up with Maine and JiaHui after work as they wanted to watch the 超級星光大道 3's audition @ Front Plaza at P.S. Guess what, I was shocked to see someone who's auditioning for the singing competition. It was Andrew who's from my class! I didn't realise he was in the queue waiting to go up the stage till Maine told me! LOL! Actually his vocals was ok but unfortunately he didn't get into the next round.

Ayu spotted in Paris! (her new hairstyle!)
Anyway I was browsing through Ayu's forum, there was a rumour going on that Ayu's going to perform in South Korea, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taiwan and lastly SINGAPORE for her Asia Tour in the 2nd half of the year! OMIGOD!! Pls tell me it's true! It'll be like winning lottery first prize! If she's performing in Singapore, I'll definitely be buying the VIP tickets so as to get up close with my favourite Ayu!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008
10:25 PM

Today knocked off from work at 3pm as had to go and try out the survey routes with my Boss and colleague. Initially I thought that I still had to go back to office after we were done but Boss told me that I don't have to if I know my way back home from town. :) It's 5 by the time I reached home! How I wish everyday I can go home so early! I just found that I'll be spending 12 hrs on a taxi on both Mon and Fri with 3 hrs break in between. LOL! it's going to be the longest period of time I ever spend on a cab! :D My main task will be timing the journey it took to travel from Beach Rd to Fort Canning Tunnel as well as frm Raffles Ave to Fort Canning Tunnel. In total, I'll need to go through these 2 routes 36 times in both days. Oh Gosh! I can't imagine next time if I ever go to these areas, I'll know the directions with my eyes closed! LOL!

Thursday, February 14, 2008
10:29 PM

Today is the 3rd day of my IPP. I'm still not getting used to waking up early for work. LOL! Guess I'd have to get used to it sooner or later! My job scope for these 2 weeks will be mainly on IT like revamping the company's website, brochure as well as putting the company onto Wikipedia. Anyway my Boss is kind enough to give me 3 days' leave even though there's no leave allowed in IPP. :) I'm looking forward to next Mon and Tues as I'll be out of office doing traffic surveys with my colleague. Guess both of us will be driving around Singapore for 2 days, but at least it's better than sitting in the office and wanting to doze off! :) Not only that my Boss's giving me a day off from work on next Wed. YIPPEE!! Today my LO came to my workplace and looked at how's my work progressed. I was at the midst of creating HTML codes for the company website and I was going crazy with all the confusing codes when he came in. LOL! My LO had a super long chat with my Boss and I was wondering what on earth would they be talking about?

This's my table! So neat rite? LOL!

This is me at work! (I'm secretly listening to music while working! LOL!)
I'd like to introduce a song by Jay Chou which is recommended by my Mom! I can't believe my Mom will be introducing Jay Chou's song to me when she used to say that she doesn't understand what he's singing without looking at the lyrics. LOL! The other day, she was watching China's CCTV <春晚> program and Jay Chou was performing《青花瓷》which is in his latest album. The melody of this song is very nice and even my Mom's using this song as her hp ringtone. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
8:57 PM

This afternoon, met up with my Crescent friends at Suntec for late lunch @ Swensens. It've been a while since we last met up. :) We had a nice chat at the restaurant before walking around at Suntec. We didn't do much as most of them are dead beat after house-visiting for the past few days. Anyway we'll be meeting up next Fri for dinner at Sixth Avenue after my work. Speaking of work, my IPP'll be officially started tomorrow!! I'm getting so nervous! I pray and hope that everything will turn up smoothly! To those who'll be having IPP: ALL THE BEST TO YOU!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008
10:35 PM